Étiquette : thérapeutiques psychédeliques

Utilisation des substances psychédéliques en thérapeutique et « auto-expérimentation », Christian Sueur, Colloque ATHS, 4 octobre 2019, Biarritz

Utilisation des substances psychédéliques en thérapeutique et « auto-expérimentation » Docteur Christian SUEUR Colloque ATHS, 4 octobre 2019, Biarritz   Le 14 mai dernier, est paru sur le site Vice.com, un article signé de Shayla Love, intitulé « The Ethics of Taking the Drugs You Study. Should psychedelic scientists trip on the drugs they research ? ».[1] Cette question pause la question, tant éthique que technique, de la nécessaire juxtaposition, lorsque l’on envisage la mise en place de thérapies psychédéliques, des apports récents de la neurobiologie éclairant le mode d’action cérébral des substances psychédéliques, et de la connaissance des effets psychiques de ces substances, grâce à l’auto-expérimentation des effets de [...]

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Review of Sacred Knowledge : Psychedelics and Religious Experience, William A. Richards, 2016

Review of Sacred Knowledge : Psychedelics and Religious Experience William A. Richards New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 2016. 269 pp. ISBN 978-0-231-17406-0 $29.95 Reviewed by Michael J. Winkelman http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/a0040299   Abstract Reviews the book, Sacred knowledge: Psychedelics and religious experiences, by William A. Richards. Richards’s career of clinical research with psychedelics and professional formation in theology, comparative religion and the psychology of religion bring integrative perspectives to understanding psychedelic experiences. Clinical accounts, scientific research and his personal experiences with psychedelics enable Richards to address issues of core importance in religious studies, medicine and society in general. Clinical studies with psychedelics provide findings that contribute to assessment of [...]

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Ayahuasca, Psychedelic Studies and Health Sciences: The Politics of Knowledge and Inquiry into an Amazonian Plant Brew, Kenneth W. Tupper and Beatriz C. Labate, 2014

Ayahuasca, Psychedelic Studies and Health Sciences: The Politics of Knowledge and Inquiry into an Amazonian Plant Brew Kenneth W. Tupper, and Beatriz C. Labate Current Drug Abuse Reviews, 2014, 7, 71-80   Abstract : This article offers critical sociological and philosophical reflections on ayahuasca and other psychedelics as objects of research in medicine, health and human sciences. It situates 21st century scientific inquiry on ayahuasca in the broader context of how early modern European social trends and intellectual pursuits translated into new forms of empiricism and experimental philosophy, but later evolved into a form of dogmatism that convenienced the political suppression of academic inquiry into [...]

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Psychedelics, David E. Nichols, 2016

Psychedelics David E. Nichols Pharmacological Review, 2016, 68, 264–355 http://dx.doi.org/10.1124/pr.115.011478   Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .266 I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [...]

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The genus Datura L. (Solanaceae) in Mexico and Spain – Ethnobotanical perspective at the interface of medical and illicit uses, Guillermo Benítez et al., 2018

The genus Datura L. (Solanaceae) in Mexico and Spain – Ethnobotanical perspective at the interface of medical and illicit uses Guillermo Benítez, Martí March-Salas, Alberto Villa-Kamel, Ulises Cháves-Jiménez, Javier Hernández, Nuria Montes-Osuna, Joaquín Moreno-Chocano, Paloma Cariñanos Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2018, Volume 219, Pages 133-151. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jep.2018.03.007   A B S T R A C T Ethnopharmacological relevance : The different species of the genus Datura have been used traditionally by some pre-Columbian civilizations, as well as in medieval rituals linked to magic and witchcraft in both Mexico and Europe. It is also noteworthy the use of different alkaloids obtained from the plants for medicinal purposes in the treatment [...]

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Les psychédéliques peuvent-ils traiter l’anorexie et la dépression ?, RESPADD, Actualités des Addictions, n°102, septembre 2019

Les psychédéliques peuvent-ils traiter l'anorexie et la dépression ? RESPADD, Actualités des Addictions, n°102, septembre 2019   Depuis son enfance, Rachael Petersen a vécu avec un sentiment de chagrin inexplicable qu'aucune pharmacothérapie ou psychothérapie n’a pu entièrement atténuer. Aussi, en 2017, elle s'est portée volontaire pour participer à un petit essai clinique à l'Université Johns Hopkins, qui testait la psilocybine, l'ingrédient actif des champignons hallucinogènes, pour le traitement de la dépression chronique. «J'étais tellement déprimée», a récemment déclaré Petersen, 29 ans. «J’ai eu l’impression que le monde m’avait abandonné, que j’avais perdu le droit d’exister sur cette planète. Vraiment, c’était comme si mes [...]

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Psychedelics as Medicines for Substance Abuse Rehabilitation : Evaluating Treatments with LSD, Peyote, Ibogaine and Ayahuasca Michael Winkelman, 2014

Psychedelics as Medicines for Substance Abuse Rehabilitation : Evaluating Treatments with LSD, Peyote, Ibogaine and Ayahuasca Michael Winkelman Current Drug Abuse Reviews, 2014, 7, 101-116   Abstract : Substances known as psychedelics, hallucinogens and entheogens have been employed in ethnomedical traditions for thousands of years, but after promising uses in the 1950’s and 1960’s they were largely prohibited in medical treatment and human research starting in the 1970’s as part of the fallout from the war on drugs. Nonetheless, there are a number of studies which suggest that these substances have potential applications in the treatment of addictions. While these substances are generally classified as [...]

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The Past and Future of Psychedelic Science : An Introduction to This Issue, Richard E. Doblin et al., 2019

The Past and Future of Psychedelic Science : An Introduction to This Issue Richard E. Doblin, Merete Christiansen, Lisa Jerome, Brad Burge JOURNAL OF PSYCHOACTIVE DRUGS, 2019, VOL. 51, NO. 2, 93–97 https://doi.org/10.1080/02791072.2019.1606472   ABSTRACT Psychedelic plants and fungi have been used in indigenous medicinal traditions for millennia. Modern psychedelic research began when Albert Hofmann first synthesized lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) in 1938. Five years later, became the first person to ingest LSD. Hofmann was unaware of the significance of his actions, and the effects they would set in motion. After a burgeoning period of scientific and cultural exploration in the1950s and ‘60s, psychedelic research was [...]

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Can Psychedelic Drugs Attenuate Age-Related Changes in Cognition and Affect ?, Jacob S. Aday et al., 2019

Can Psychedelic Drugs Attenuate Age-Related Changes in Cognition and Affect ? Jacob S. Aday, Emily K. Bloesch, & Christopher C. Davoli Journal of Cognitive Enhancement, August 2019 DOI: 10.1007/s41465-019-00151-6   Abstract Older adulthood can be characterized by various cognitive and affective changes. In general, older adults show declines in creativity and executive functioning. They also score lower in openness to experience, empathy, and many suffer from a paucity of meaningful experiences. Further, depression, pessimism, and suicide can be major concerns for this population. Although currently there are few interventions that can effectively address these changes, recent findings from psychedelic science suggest myriad parallels between the effects [...]

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2018 : A Watershed Year for Psychedelic Science ?, Jacob S. Aday et al., 2019

2018 : A Watershed Year for Psychedelic Science ? Jacob S. Aday, Christopher C. Davoli, & Emily K. Bloesch Article, ·August 2019 DOI: 10.1177/2050324519872284 Abstract While interest in the study of psychedelic drugs has increased over much of the last decade, in this article we argue that 2018 marked the true turning point for the field. Substantive advances in the scientific, public, and regulatory communities in 2018 significantly elevated the status and long-term outlook of psychedelic science, particularly in the United States. Advances in the scientific community can be attributed to impactful research applications of psychedelics as well as acknowledgement in preeminent journals. In the [...]

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