Increased cannabis intake during the COVID-19 pandemic is associated with worsening of depression symptoms in people with PTSD A. Murkar, T. Kendzerska, J. Shlik, L. Quilty, M. Saad and R. Robillard BMC Psychiatry, 2022, 22, 554 Doi : 10.1186/s12888-022-04185-7 Abstract Background: Some evidence suggests substance use affects clinical outcomes in people with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, more work is required to examine links between mental health and cannabis use in PTSD during exposure to external stressors such as the COVID-19 pandemic. This study assessed mental health factors in individuals with self-reported PTSD to: (a) determine whether stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms were associ- ated with changes [...]
Lire la suiteUse of Medicinal Cannabis and Synthetic Cannabinoids in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) : A Systematic Review Laura Orsolini, Stefania Chiappini, Umberto Volpe, Domenico De Berardis, Roberto Latini, Gabriele Duccio Papanti and John Martin Corkery Medicina, 2019, 55, 525, 1-14 doi : 10.3390/medicina55090525 Abstract : Background and Objectives : Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a common psychiatric disorder resulting from a traumatic event, is manifested through hyperarousal, anxiety, depressive symptoms, and sleep disturbances. Despite several therapeutic approaches being available, both pharmacological and psychological, recently a growing interest has developed in using cannabis and synthetic cannabinoids stems from their consideration as more efficient and better tolerated alternatives [...]
Lire la suiteEarly Consumption of Cannabinoids : From Adult Neurogenesis to Behavior Citlalli Netzahualcoyotzi, Luis Miguel Rodríguez-Serrano, María Elena Chávez-Hernández and Mario Humberto Buenrostro-Jáuregui International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021, 22, 7450. doi : 10.3390/ijms22147450 Abstract The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a crucial modulatory system in which interest has been increasing, particularly regarding the regulation of behavior and neuroplasticity. The adolescent–young adulthood phase of development comprises a critical period in the maturation of the nervous system and the ECS. Neurogenesis occurs in discrete regions of the adult brain, and this process is linked to the modulation of some behaviors. Since marijuana (cannabis) is the most consumed illegal [...]
Lire la suiteCannabidiol has a unique effect on global brain activity: a pharmacological, functional MRI study in awake mice Aymen H. Sadaka, Ana G. Ozuna1, Richard J. Ortiz, Praveen Kulkarni, Clare T. Johnson, Heather B. Bradshaw, Bruce S. Cushing, Ai‑Ling Li, Andrea G. Hohmann and Craig F. Ferris Journal of Translationnal Medicine, 2021, 19, 220, 1-16. Doi : 10.1186/s12967-021-02891-6 Abstract Background : The phytocannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD) exhibits anxiolytic activity and has been promoted as a potential treatment for post-traumatic stress disorders. How does CBD interact with the brain to alter behavior? We hypothesized that CBD would produce a dose-dependent reduction in brain activity and functional coupling in [...]
Lire la suiteCannabinoids Promising for Improving Appetite, Behavior in Dementia Pauline Anderson Medscape Medical News © March 19, 2021 For patients with dementia, cannabinoids may be a promising intervention for treating neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) and the refusing of food, new research suggests. Results of a systematic literature review showed that cannabinoids were associated with reduced agitation, longer sleep, and lower NPS. They were also linked to increased meal consumption and weight gain. Refusing food is a common problem for patients with dementia, often resulting in worsening sleep, agitation, and mood, study investigator Niraj Asthana, MD, a second-year resident in the Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego, told [...]
Lire la suiteChanges in inflammatory biomarkers are related to the antidepressant effects of Ayahuasca Nicole Leite Galvão-Coelho, Ana Cecília de Menezes Galvão, Raíssa Nóbrega de Almeida, Fernanda Palhano-Fontes, Isaac Campos Braga, Bruno Lobão Soares, João Paulo Maia-de-Oliveira, Daniel Perkins, Jerome Sarris and Draulio Barros de Araujo Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2020, 1-9. DOI : 10.1177/0269881120936486 Abstract Background : Ayahuasca is a traditional Amazon brew and its potential antidepressant properties have recently been explored in scientific settings. We conducted a double-blind placebo-controlled trial of ayahuasca with treatment-resistant depression patients (n = 28) and healthy controls (n = 45). Aims : We are evaluating the blood inflammatory biomarkers: C-reactive protein and [...]
Lire la suiteTroubles anxieux : le CBD peut soulager les symptômes Kalapa Clinic, Barcelone, Espagne By Gesa|30/06/2020 La peur est une réaction naturelle à certaines situations et à certains événements. Elle remplit à la fois une fonction d’avertissement et de protection. Lors d’un trouble anxieux, cependant, elle développe une dynamique propre qui est très stressante pour les personnes concernées. Diverses études et rapports d’expérience indiquent que le cannabinoïde non-psychoactif cannabidiol (CBD) peut soulager leurs symptômes. En Allemagne, le trouble anxieux est la maladie mentale la plus courante, devançant même la dépression. Environ 12 millions de personnes sont touchées, les femmes plus souvent que les hommes (1). Le [...]
Lire la suiteFlash info 19/11/2020 MILDECA Covid-19 : isolement et conditions de travail favorisent les conduites addictives Depuis le premier confinement instauré en mars dernier, l’isolement au travail, l’augmentation des objectifs en matière de performance ainsi que la charge de travail ont joué un rôle dans l’augmentation des consommations de substances psychoactives. C’est ce que montre l’enquête publiée ce jour par la MILDECA et ses partenaires. Pour documenter l’évolution des consommations de substances psychoactives et les conditions de travail en période d’épidémie de Covid-19, la MILDECA et ses partenaires - ANSES, Anact, INRS, OFDT, Santé Publique France et le COCT * - ont commandité une enquête [...]
Lire la suiteCBD (Cannabidiol) Product Attitudes, Knowledge, and Use Among Young Adults Meghann Wheelera, Julie Williams Mertena, Benjamin T Gordonb, and Hanadi Hamadic SUBSTANCE USE & MISUSE, 2020, VOL. 55, NO. 7, 1138–1145 doi : 10.1080/10826084.2020.1729201 ABSTRACT Background : Cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive component of cannabis is marketed as a potential treatment for many conditions and widely available to purchase as a dietary supplement. In 2017, sales of CBD exceeded 820 million dollars despite many unconfirmed health claims, murky legality, and limited product efficacy and safety testing. Purpose/Objectives : This study aims to explore cannabidiol (CBD) knowledge, attitudes, and use among young adults. Methods : The anonymous 36-item survey [...]
Lire la suiteLes effets antidépresseurs de la kétamine élucidés Utilisée de longue date comme anesthésique, cette molécule vient d’être autorisée comme antidépresseur aux Etats-Unis. Par Florence Rosier Publié le 16 avril 2019 à 06h00 - La kétamine est une molécule à surprises. Et pas seulement pour ceux qui recherchent ses effets hallucinogènes en la détournant de ses applications médicales. Depuis les années 1970, elle est largement utilisée comme anesthésique à usage humain ou vétérinaire. Mais elle est aussi dotée de puissants effets antidépresseurs, découverts voici plus de vingt ans. Or, ceux-ci viennent d’être doublement reconnus : au plan réglementaire, par la toute-puissante agence américaine du médicament (FDA) ; [...]
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