Étiquette : pharmacologie

Legal highs : staying on top of the flood of novel psychoactive substances, David Baumeister et al., 2015

Legal highs : staying on top of the flood of novel psychoactive substances David Baumeister, Luis M. Tojo and Derek K. Tracy Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology, 2015, Vol. 5, (2), 97–132 DOI: 10.1177/2045125314559539   Abstract : There has been growing clinical, public, and media awareness and concern about the availability and potential harmfulness of so-called ‘legal highs’, which are more appropriately called new or novel psychoactive substances (NPS). A cat-and-mouse process has emerged wherein unknown chemists and laboratories are producing new, and as yet nonproscribed, compounds for human consumption; and as soon as they are banned, which they inevitably are, slightly modified analogues are produced to [...]

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Psychedelics, David E. Nichols, 2016

Psychedelics David E. Nichols Pharmacological Review, 2016, 68, 264–355 http://dx.doi.org/10.1124/pr.115.011478   Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .266 I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [...]

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Could Cannabidiol be a Treatment Option for Intractable Childhood and Adolescent Epilepsy ?, Chung Mo Koo et al., 2017

Could Cannabidiol be a Treatment Option for Intractable Childhood and Adolescent Epilepsy ? Chung Mo Koo, Hoon-Chul Kang Journal of Epilepsy Research, 2017, 7, 16-20. pISSN 2233-6249 / eISSN 2233-6257 www.kes.or.kr   Epilepsy is an important disease that affects brain function, particularly in those under 3 years old. Uncontrolled seizures can affect cognitive function and quality of life. For these reasons, many trials have been conducted to investigate treatments for pediatric epilepsy. Currently, many antiepileptic drugs are available for the treatment of epilepsy, but cases of intractable epilepsy continue to exist. In the past, cannabis has been tested as a potential treatment of intractable epilepsy. Since [...]

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Don’t Fear the Reefer—Evidence Mounts for Plant-Based Cannabidiol as Treatment for Epilepsy, Commentary, M. Scott Perry, 2019

Don’t Fear the Reefer—Evidence Mounts for Plant-Based Cannabidiol as Treatment for Epilepsy - Commentary M. Scott Perry Epilepsy Currents, 2019, Vol. 19, (2), 93-95 DOI: 10.1177/1535759719835671   Effect of Cannabidiol on Drop Seizures in the Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome Devinsky O, Patel AD, Cross JH, et al; GWPCARE3 Study Group. N Engl J Med, 2018, 378, 1888-1897. Background : Cannabidiol has been used for treatment-resistant seizures in patients with severe early-onset epilepsy. We investigated the efficacy and safety of cannabidiol added to a regimen of conventional antiepileptic medication to treat drop seizures in patients with the Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, a severe developmental epileptic encephalopathy. Methods : In this double-blind, placebo-controlled trial conducted [...]

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Dosage Related Efficacy and Tolerability of Cannabidiol in Children With Treatment-Resistant Epileptic Encephalopathy : Preliminary Results of the CARE-E Study, Richard J. Huntsman et al., 2019

Dosage Related Efficacy and Tolerability of Cannabidiol in Children With Treatment-Resistant Epileptic Encephalopathy : Preliminary Results of the CARE-E Study Richard J. Huntsman, Richard Tang-Wai, Jane Alcorn, Stephanie Vuong, Bryan Acton1,5, Scott Corley, Robert Laprairie, Andrew W. Lyon, Simona Meier, Darrell D. Mousseau, Doris Newmeyer, Erin Prosser-Loose, Blair Seifert, Jose Tellez-Zenteno, Linda Huh, Edward Leung and Philippe Major Frontiers in  Neurology, 2019, 10:716. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2019.00716   Purpose : There is uncertainty regarding the appropriate dose of Cannabidiol (CBD) for childhood epilepsy. We present the preliminary data of seven participants from the Cannabidiol in Children with Refractory Epileptic Encephalopathy (CARE-E) study. Methods : The study is an open-label, [...]

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A prospective open-label trial of a CBD/THC cannabis oil in dravet syndrome, Blathnaid McCoy et al., 2018

A prospective open-label trial of a CBD/THC cannabis oil in dravet syndrome Blathnaid McCoy, Laura Wang, Maria Zak, Sameer Al-Mehmadi, Nadia Kabir, Kenda Alhadid, Kyla McDonald, Grace Zhang, Rohit Sharma, Robyn Whitney, Katia Sinopoli & O. Carter Snead III Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, 2018, 5, (9), 1077–1088 doi: 10.1002/acn3.621   Abstract Introduction : Both D9 Tetrahydrocannabidiol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) components of cannabis, have been shown to have anticonvulsant effects. Cannabis oils are used to treat seizures in drug-resistant epilepsy (DRE). Recent trials provide data on dosing, side effects, and efficacy of CBD, yet there is a paucity of information on THC in epilepsy. Primary [...]

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Cannabidiol attenuates seizures and EEG abnormalities in Angelman syndrome, Bin GU et al., 2019 model mice,

Cannabidiol attenuates seizures and EEG abnormalities in Angelman syndrome model mice. Bin Gu, Manhua Zhu, Madison R. Glass, Marie Rougié, Viktoriya D. Nikolova, Sheryl S. Moy, Paul R. Carney, and Benjamin D. Philpot Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2019 Sep 10, pii: 130419. doi : 10.1172/JCI130419 PMID : 31503547 Abstract Angelman syndrome (AS) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by intellectual disability, lack of speech, ataxia, EEG abnormalities, and epilepsy. Seizures in AS individuals are common, debilitating, and often drug-resistant. Therefore, there is an unmet need for better treatment options. Cannabidiol (CBD), a major phytocannabinoid constituent of cannabis, has antiseizure activity and behavioral benefits in preclinical and [...]

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SALVIA DIVINORUM AND SALVINORIN A , The Best of The Entheogen Review, David Aardvark,1999-2000

SALVIA DIVINORUM AND SALVINORIN A The Best of The Entheogen Review David Aardvark, Editor ER MONOGRAPH SERIES, NO. 2, 1992–2000, Second Edition The Entheogen Review POB 19820 Sacramento, CA 95819-0820 TABLE OF CONTENTS A NOTE ON THE TEXT 9 CHAPTER ONE : The Early Years 11 CHAPTER TWO : Consumption Methods 21 CHAPTER THREE : Hyperspatial Maps 45 CHAPTER FOUR : Extraction 73 CHAPTER FIVE : Salvinorin A & More 81 CHAPTER SIX : Combinations 103 CHAPTER SEVEN : Cultivation 113 CHAPTER EIGHT : Reviews, Interviews, Commentary & Press 133 APPENDIX A : Sources 171 APPENDIX B : The Internet 185 ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 197 INDEX 231 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 249 A NOTE ON THE TEXT Most of the information presented herein comes from the first [...]

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The association between cannabis use and psychiatric comorbidity in people with personality disorders : A population-based longitudinal study, Nadav Shalita et al., 2019

The association between cannabis use and psychiatric comorbidity in people with personality disorders : A population-based longitudinal study Nadav Shalita, Jürgen Rehmb, Shaul Lev-Ran Psychiatry Research, 2019, 278, 70–77 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychres.2019.05.041 A B S T R A C T Both personality disorders (PD) and cannabis use are highly comorbid with various psychiatric disorders. While previous research indicates specific interactions between cannabis use and schizotypal PD associated with schizophrenia, research into cannabis use among individuals with other PDs and the development of several additional psychiatric disorders is scarce. We explored the prevalence and incidence of psychiatric disorders among individuals with PDs who use cannabis, and whether individuals [...]

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The Relevance of Sex in the Association of Synthetic Cannabinoid Use With Psychosis and Agitation in an Inpatient Population, Anahita Bassir Nia et al., 2019

The Relevance of Sex in the Association of Synthetic Cannabinoid Use With Psychosis and Agitation in an Inpatient Population Anahita Bassir Nia, MD‡; Claire L. Mann, BA; Sharron Spriggs, MA; Daniel R. DeFrancisco, MD; Steven Carbonaro, MD; Lyla Parvez, MA; Igor I. Galynker, MD, PhD; Charles A. Perkel, MD; and Yasmin L. Hurd, PhD Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 2019, 80, (4), 18m12539 https://doi.org/10.4088/JCP.18m12539 Background : Current evidence suggests that women are more sensitive to the effects of cannabinoids. The aim of this study was to investigate the relevance of sex in the association of synthetic cannabinoid (SC) use with psychosis and agitation. Methods : A [...]

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