Emerging Evidence for Cannabis’ Role in Opioid Use Disorder Beth Wiese and Adrianne R. Wilson-Poe Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, 2018, Volume 3.1,179-189. Doi : 10.1089/can.2018.0022 Abstract Introduction : The opioid epidemic has become an immense problem in North America, and despite decades of research on the most effective means to treat opioid use disorder (OUD), overdose deaths are at an all-time high, and relapse remains pervasive. Discussion : Although there are a number of FDA-approved opioid replacement therapies and maintenance medications to help ease the severity of opioid withdrawal symptoms and aid in relapse prevention, these medications are not risk free nor are they successful for [...]
Lire la suiteCBD User's Guide Project CBD On March 13, 2018 (Updated on March 25, 2019) https://www.projectcbd.org/how-to/cbd-users-guide Project CBD has created a beginner’s guide for cannabidiol & cannabis therapeutics to address key questions of CBD users. A Beginner’s Guide to CBD & Cannabis Therapeutics In 2009, a handful of CBD-rich cannabis strains were discovered serendipitously in Northern California, America’s cannabis breadbasket, where certified patients could access medical marijuana legally. Thus began a great laboratory experiment in democracy involving CBD-rich cannabis therapeutics. The advent of whole plant CBD-rich oil as a grassroots therapeutic option has changed the national conversation about cannabis. It’s no longer a question of whether [...]
Lire la suiteCBD & Cannabis Dosage Guide Martin A. Lee On May 16, 2018 (Updated on April 1, 2019) https://www.projectcbd.org/how-to/cbd-dosage-guide High dose? Low dose? CBD? THC? Optimizing one's therapeutic use of cannabis may take some experimentation. It can be relatively easy to experience medical benefits from cannabis. A puff or two of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)-rich flower can do the trick for a lot of people. Smoking marijuana, however, is not the be-all and end-all of cannabis therapeutics. There are many ways to experience the medical benefits of cannabis, and some of them are even non-intoxicating. In recent years, the advent of potent cannabis oil concentrates, non-intoxicating cannabidiol (CBD) products, [...]
Lire la suiteMedical use of cannabis products. Lessons to be learned from Israel and Canada J. Ablin, P.A. Ste-Marie, M. Schäfer, W. Häuser, M.-A. Fitzcharles Der Schmerz, 2016, 1-10 DOI 10.1007/s00482-015-0083-4 © Deutsche Schmerzgesellschaft e.V. Published by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg - all rights reserved 2015 Abstract Introduction : The German government intends to reduce the barriers for the medical use of cannabis products. A discussion on the indications and contraindications of the medical use of cannabis and on the changes of the regulatory framework has already begun in Germany. It is useful to draw from the experiences of other countries with a more liberal medical use of cannabis. Methods [...]
Lire la suiteA Chocolate a Day Keeps Depression Away ? Megan Brooks, Laurie Barclay Medscape, 13 / 09 /2019 https://www.medscape.org/viewarticle/917963 Clinical Context Accumulating evidence suggests that dietary factors, such as eating chocolate, may affect depressive symptoms. The potential mood-enhancing properties of chocolate may relate to its orosensory properties, psychoactive ingredients, and activation of neural reward pathways. However, only a few studies have analyzed associations between chocolate consumption and depressive symptoms, with conflicting results. The goal of this analysis was to evaluate associations between chocolate consumption and depressive symptoms in a large, representative sample of US adults enrolled in the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) between [...]
Lire la suiteMedicinal cannabis not proven in mental health, study finds Kate Kelland Reuters, Health News, October 28, 2019 LONDON (Reuters) - Evidence is weak for whether medicinal cannabis treatments can relieve mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression and psychosis, and doctors should prescribe them with great caution, researchers said on Monday. In a review of scientific studies that analyzed the impact of medicinal cannabinoids on six mental health disorders, the researchers found “a lack of evidence for their effectiveness.” Their findings have important implications for countries such as the United States, Australia, Britain and Canada, where medical cannabis is being made available for patients with certain [...]
Lire la suitePlanche botanique de Cannabis sativa tirée du Nordisk familjebok, une encyclopédie suédoise publiée entre 1876 et 1957. Wikicommons Histoire. La résine de cannabis : remède miracle ou poison d’Orient ? David A Guba Jr.11 octobre 2019 XIXe siècle – France. Dans les années 1830, alors que la pandémie de choléra frappe l’Europe, le milieu médical français se passionne pour la résine de cannabis, parée de toutes les vertus. Nombreux sont ceux qui ont applaudi à l’annonce d’un début de réglementation prenant mieux en compte les enjeux de santé publique sur la consommation de cannabis en France. L’Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament a salué les [...]
Lire la suiteDu cannabis dans le PLFSS Le député Olivier Véran (LREM, Isère) va défendre un amendement introduisant une expérimentation du cannabis thérapeutique. © FOTOLIA_FABIOBERTI.IT Les choses se précisent. Après que l'Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé (ANSM) a souscrit, début juillet 2019, aux propositions du comité scientifique spécialisé temporaire sur le cadre pratique de l’accès au cannabis à visée thérapeutique en vue d’une expérimentation en France, c'est désormais le cadre légal qui va être discuté à l'Assemblée nationale. Invité à l'antenne de RTL, le neurologue et député de la majorité, Olivier Véran, a ainsi expliqué qu'il allait présenter et défendre un amendement au projet de loi de financement de la sécurité sociale (PLFSS) pour 2020 visant à mettre en place, au plus vite, une expérimentation en milieu hospitalier. Selon ses dires, elle devrait concerner « environ 3 000 malades » qui seront « suivis par des [...]
Lire la suiteRenseignements destinés aux professionnels de la santé : Le cannabis (marijuana, marihuana) et les cannabinoïdes (Version PDF - 2,690 Ko) https://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-canada/services/drogues-medicaments/cannabis/renseignements-medecins/renseignements-destines-professionnels-sante-cannabis-cannabinoides.html Santé Canada Auteur : Hanan Abramovici Ph.D. Co-auteurs : Sophie-Anne Lamour, Ph.D. et George Mammen, Ph.D. Nous republions cet excellent document de Santé Canada, et surtout, le résumé des indications reconnues, et envisagées, du cannabis thérapeutique. Aperçu des énoncés récapitulatifs Les énoncés récapitulatifs suivants visent à résumer le contenu des sections 4.0 (Usages thérapeutiques possibles) et 7.0 (Effets indésirables) et leurs sous-sections respectives. Les énoncés récapitulatifs peuvent être également trouvés dans leurs sections et sous-sections respectives dans le corps même du document. Remarque: la plupart des études [...]
Lire la suiteAn Overview of Galenic Preparation Methods for Medicinal Cannabis Luigi Romano and Arno Hazekamp Current Bioactive Compounds, 2018, 14, DOI: 10.2174/1573407214666180612080412 Abstract : In recent years, the Cannabis plant (Cannabis sativa L.) has been rediscovered as a source of new medicines around the world. Despite the fact that a number of registered medicines have been developed on the basis of purified cannabis components, there is a rapid increasing acceptance and use of cannabis in its herbal form. Licensed producers of high quality cannabis plants now operate in various countries including The Netherlands, Canada, Israel, and Australia, and in many US states. The legal availability of [...]
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