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On the Archetypal Nature of Bad Trips and Freakouts, Danny Wedding, Peter H Addy, 2014

On the Archetypal Nature of Bad Trips and Freakouts A Review of : "Confrontation With the Unconscious: Jungian Depth Psychology and Psychedelic Experience" by Scott J. Hill Danny Wedding, Peter H Addy PsycCRITIQUES, June 16, 2014, Vol. 59, No. 24, Article 4 © 2014 American Psychological Association   In 1967 Scott J. Hill had a terrifying and traumatic experience after taking LSD, experiencing “the depths of madness and hell” (p. xiii). He became suicidal and dissociated, and he wondered whether he had gone insane. Over the next four decades, he struggled with the terror he felt during that experience; he could not come to terms with [...]

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BIBLIOGRAPHIE : Substances psychédéliques : anthropologie, sociologie, spiritualité, chamanisme, culture…, Docteur Christian Sueur, GRECC, mai 2020

BIBLIOGRAPHIE : Substances psychédéliques : anthropologie, sociologie, spiritualité, chamanisme, culture…   Docteur Christian Sueur, GRECC, mai 2020   Substances psychédéliques, anthropologie, sociologie, culture… : pp 1 - 6 Substances psychédéliques et Chamanisme : pp 7 - 10 Psychédéliques et “spiritualité” : religion, mysticisme, enthéogènes : pp 11 - 23  

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