A systematic study of microdosing psychedelics RESEARCH ARTICLE Vince Polito, Richard J. Stevenson PLoS ONE, 2019, 14, (2), e0211023. Doi : 10.1371/journal.pone.0211023 Abstract The phenomenon of ‘microdosing’, that is, regular ingestion of very small quantities of psychedelic substances, has seen a rapid explosion of popularity in recent years. Individuals who microdose report minimal acute effects from these substances yet claim a range of long-term general health and wellbeing benefits. There have been no published empirical studies of microdosing and the current legal and bureaucratic climate makes direct empirical investigation of the effects of psychedelics difficult. In Study One we conducted a systematic, observational investigation of individuals [...]
Lire la suiteAccounting for Microdosing Classic Psychedelics Blake Beaton, Heith Copes, Megan Webb, Andy Hochstetler, and Peter S. Hendricks Journal of Drug Issues, 2019, 1–12 Doi : 10.1177/0022042619871008 Abstract Microdosing classic psychedelics (e.g., LSD [lysergic acid diethylamide] and psilocybin) is the practice of taking small amounts of these substances to bring about various positive life changes. Little is known about the subjective experiences and perceptions of those who engage in the practice. Accordingly, we use the sociology of accounts as a theoretical framework to explore the ways that those who microdose excuse or justify their practice. Using data from semistructured interviews with 30 people who had microdosed, [...]
Lire la suiteComment microdoser du LSD m'aide à gérer mon autisme Charlie Ellis Vice, 08 Janvier 2020 https://www.vice.com/fr/article/4agd7d/comment-microdoser-du-lsd-maide-a-gerer-mon-autisme "Je prends fréquemment de très petites quantités de psychédélique pour combler le fossé avec les personnes neurotypiques." C’est toujours le même rituel. J’aime les rituels, ils rationalisent l’absurdité de nos existences et me permettent de continuer à vivre. Réveil engourdi, lavage de mains compulsif, 20 grammes de café et 15 microgrammes de LSD sous la langue. Je suis prête à affronter le monde neurotypique – le monde de ceux qui ne sont pas autistes. Je suis autiste. Je pense, ressens et traite les informations de manière complètement différente. J’ai [...]
Lire la suitePsychedelics & Cannabis Therapeutics Martin A. Lee April 17, 2019 https://www.projectcbd.org/culture/psychedelics-cannabis-therapeutics High doses of THC are hallucinogenic, and microdosing LSD is a lot like CBD. These mighty molecules can relieve human suffering and they act through the endocannabinoid system. Although it may not be obvious during these Trump-rattled times, we’re in the midst of a psychedelic revival. There is more interest than ever before in experimenting with LSD, magic mushrooms, ayahuasca, ketamine, and other psychedelic drugs. This renaissance is happening without all the fanfare of the day-glo Sixties, when lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) escaped from the laboratory and assumed the lead role in an improbable [...]
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