Étiquette : metabolites


LE CBD EST-IL PSYCHOACTIF ? François-Olivier GAGNON-HÉBERT – Chercheur Postdoctoral/ Université de Moncton, Canada La Lettre du RESPADD, 2019, 36, 4-5 https://www.respadd.org/lettre-n36-octobre-2019/   Il semble y avoir une véritable résurgence du cannabis dans les débats publics à l’échelle internationale depuis quelques années. Cette plante cultivée depuis les premiers balbutiements des sociétés humaines néolithiques grégaires (Warf 2014) ne laisse personne indifférent. Bien que les apologistes et les détracteurs de l’usage de la plante ne s’entendent généralement sur aucun point, tous s’entendent sur la réalité suivante : il s’agit d’une question fort complexe et épineuse. Au-delà des débats moraux et sociétaux, il n’en demeure pas moins que le cannabis [...]

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Pharmacokinetics and subjective effects of a novel oral LSD formulation in healthy subjects, Friederike Holze et al., 2019

Pharmacokinetics and subjective effects of a novel oral LSD formulation in healthy subjects Friederike Holze, Urs Duthaler, Patrick Vizeli, Felix Müller, Stefan Borgwardt, Matthias E. Liechti British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, March 2019 Doi : 10.1111/bcp.13918   Aims : The aim of the present study was to characterize the pharmacokinetics and exposure–subjective response relationship of a novel oral solution of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) that was developed for clinical use in research and patients. Method : LSD (100 μg) was administered in 27 healthy subjects using a placebocontrolled, double‐blind, cross‐over design. Plasma levels of LSD, nor‐LSD, and 2‐ oxo‐3‐hydroxy‐LSD (O‐H‐LSD) and subjective drug effects were assessed [...]

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Oral Cannabidiol Does Not Convert to Δ8-THC or Δ9-THC in Humans : A Pharmacokinetic Study in Healthy Subjects, Jose´ Alexandre S. Crippa et al., 2019

Oral Cannabidiol Does Not Convert to Δ8-THC or Δ9-THC in Humans : A Pharmacokinetic Study in Healthy Subjects Jose´ Alexandre S. Crippa, Antonio Waldo Zuardi, Jaime Eduardo Cecılio Hallak, Bruna Miyazawa, Sandra Aparecido Bernardo, Carmem Maria Donaduzzi, Silvane Guzzi, Wagner Alex Jann Favreto, Alline Campos, Maria Eugenia C. Queiroz, Francisco S. Guimaraes, Patrıcia Moura da Rosa Zimmermann, Letıcia Mello Rechia, Volnei Jose Tondo Filho, and Liberato Brum Junior Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, 2019, Volume X, Number X DOI: 10.1089/can.2019.0024   Abstract Introduction: Recent studies have suggested that cannabidiol (CBD) could interconvert into Delta-8- and Delta-9- tetrahydrocannabinol. Materials and Methods: Thus, we tested the plasma samples of 120 healthy [...]

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A Conversion of Oral Cannabidiol to Delta9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Seems Not to Occur in Humans, Gerhard Nahler et al., 2017

A Conversion of Oral Cannabidiol to Delta9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Seems Not to Occur in Humans Gerhard Nahler, Franjo Grotenhermen, Antonio Waldo Zuardi, and Jose´ A.S. Crippa3 Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, 2017, 2, 1, 81-86 DOI: 10.1089/can.2017.0009 Abstract Cannabidiol (CBD), a major cannabinoid of hemp, does not bind to CB1 receptors and is therefore devoid of psychotomimetic properties. Under acidic conditions, CBD can be transformed to delta9 tetrahydro-cannabinol (THC) and other cannabinoids. It has been argued that this may occur also after oral administration in humans. However, the experimental conversion of CBD to THC and delta8-THC in simulated gastric fluid (SGF) is a highly artificial approach that deviates [...]

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