Études psychédéliques Vincent Verroust, doctorant à l'EHESS ( CAK )Cet enseignant est référent pour cette UE https://enseignements-2019.ehess.fr/2019/ue/2998/ Mardi de 18 h à 19 h 30 (amphithéâtre Rouelle, Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, 57 rue Cuvier 75005 Paris), les 26 novembre, 17 décembre 2019, 28 janvier, 25 février, 31 mars, 28 avril, 26 mai et 30 juin 2020 Plan pour trouver l'amphi : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h-oVy6oTh7UTMh84X-o448VhCCmBMp-M/view?usp=sharing NB : merci d'arriver en avance pour éviter de trouver portes closes. Le terme psychedelic a été forgé en 1956 par le psychiatre britannique Humphry Osmond (1917 - 2004) pour qualifier les effets psychiques de la mescaline et du LSD, deux substances psychotropes sur lesquelles [...]
Lire la suiteON THE PREPARATIONS OF THE INDIAN HEMP, OR GUNJAH, (Cannabis Indisa) Their Effects on the Animal System in Health, and their Utility in the Treatment of Tetanus and other Convulsive Diseases. By W. B. O'SHAUGHNESSY, M.D., Bengal Army, Late Professor of Chemistry and Materia Medica in the Medical College of Calcutta. PROVINCIAL MEDICAL JOURNAL and Retrospect of the Medical Science No. 123. London, Saturday, February 4, 1843. [Concluded from p. 347.] experiments by the Author-Inferences as to the Acton of the Drug on Animals and Man.
Lire la suiteComment l'Afrique a transformé l'usage du cannabis Vincent Hiribarren 27 octobre 2019 (mise à jour : 27 octobre 2019) Chris S. Duvall dans son livre The African Roots of Marijuana (Duke University Press, 2019) dessine à grands traits l’histoire du cannabis à l’échelle de l’Afrique entière jusqu’au début du XXe siècle. Une question difficile tant elle nous invite à réfléchir sur les imaginaires que nous avons sur cette plante et ses usages. Comment ne pas éviter les sempiternels débats causés par la question de la légalisation du cannabis en France ? L’auteur qui travaille aux États-Unis ne fuit pas la question [...]
Lire la suitePsychedelic Experiential Pharmacology : Pioneering Clinical Explorations with Salvador Roquet (How I Came to All of This : Ketamine, Admixtures and Adjuvants, Don Juan and Carlos Castaneda Too) An Interview with Richard Yensen Philip E. Wolfson International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 2014, 33, (2), 160-174. Richard Yensen was a research fellow at the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center from 1972 to 1976. He studied psychedelic psychotherapy with Stanislav Grof, M.D. and other senior staff. During this time he treated patients with substance abuse disorders, cancer, neurosis, and other health professionals seeking a training experience. Dr. Yensen did his Ph.D. dissertation on the use of MDA in [...]
Lire la suiteCBD : The Cinderella Molecule Martin A. Lee On February 09, 2017 Originally published in High Times (Feb. 2017) https://www.projectcbd.org/culture/cbd-cinderella-molecule High Times cover story by Martin A Lee highlights the breakthrough research on CBD, and how it has revolutionized the story of cannabis medicine. “This changes everything!” That was the immediate reaction of Bay Area journalist Fred Gardner as he stood in the office of Steep Hill Laboratory in Oakland and eyed a chromatogram showing the unusual cannabinoid content of a hitherto unknown marijuana strain. The year was 2009, and the strain of interest, an oddity called Soma A-Plus, didn’t top the charts with THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), [...]
Lire la suiteDMT Research from 1956 to the Edge of Time Andrew R. Gallimore and David P. Luke Originally published as Gallimore, A., & Luke, D. : DMT research from 1956 to the edge of time. In King, D., Luke, D., Sessa, B., Adams, C. & Tollen, A. (Eds.), Neurotransmissions : Essays on Psychedelics from Breaking Convention (pp.291-‐316). London: Strange Attractor. (2015).
Lire la suitePsychedelics : Where we are now, why we got here, what we must do Sean J. Belouin, Jack E. Henningfield Neuropharmacology, 2018, 142, 7e19 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuropharm.2018.02.018 a b s t r a c t The purpose of this commentary is to provide an introduction to this special issue of Neuropharmacology with a historical perspective of psychedelic drug research, their use in psychiatric disorders, research restricting regulatory controls, and their recent emergence as potential breakthrough therapies for several brain-related disorders. It begins with the discovery of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and its promising development as a treatment for several types of mental illnesses during the 1940s. This was [...]
Lire la suiteChapter 8 : Pilgrimage to the Light ? On the Threshold of a Dream: Sacred Plants, Passionate Dedication to Ideals, and Healing Richard Yensen January 2015 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/282132139 The desire to incorporate ancient healing practices with sacred plants into modern medicine has been a central passion of my career as a clinician and psychedelic researcher for over 40 years. During that time Mexico has offered me friendship, collegiality, adventure, and wonder. At times I have felt when visiting first Nations in Mexico like I was stepping back into ancient times. The wonder and honor of knowing Maria Sabina, Don Ricardo, Niuweme, and other healers and [...]
Lire la suitePlanche botanique de Cannabis sativa tirée du Nordisk familjebok, une encyclopédie suédoise publiée entre 1876 et 1957. Wikicommons Histoire. La résine de cannabis : remède miracle ou poison d’Orient ? David A Guba Jr.11 octobre 2019 XIXe siècle – France. Dans les années 1830, alors que la pandémie de choléra frappe l’Europe, le milieu médical français se passionne pour la résine de cannabis, parée de toutes les vertus. Nombreux sont ceux qui ont applaudi à l’annonce d’un début de réglementation prenant mieux en compte les enjeux de santé publique sur la consommation de cannabis en France. L’Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament a salué les [...]
Lire la suiteA History of Drug Use : Mind-Altering Drugs in Social Context Eric Shepperd January 21, 2017, 26 p. It seems that an intrinsic property of consciousness is a desire to alter itself. The natural world is full of tools for changing the functioning of the mind, and both humans and nonhuman animals have used many different drugs throughout history. Some are derived directly from plant or animal sources, while others are refined extracts, or synthesized by purely chemical methods. Many of the drugs in use today are applied primarily for physiologically therapeutic purposes, while others have primarily psychological components, or a combination thereof. Psychoactive [...]
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