Étiquette : geriatrie

Cannabinoids Promising for Improving Appetite, Behavior in Dementia, Pauline Anderson, Medscape Medical News, 2021

Cannabinoids Promising for Improving Appetite, Behavior in Dementia Pauline Anderson Medscape Medical News © March 19, 2021 For patients with dementia, cannabinoids may be a promising intervention for treating neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) and the refusing of food, new research suggests. Results of a systematic literature review showed that cannabinoids were associated with reduced agitation, longer sleep, and lower NPS. They were also linked to increased meal consumption and weight gain. Refusing food is a common problem for patients with dementia, often resulting in worsening sleep, agitation, and mood, study investigator Niraj Asthana, MD, a second-year resident in the Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego, told [...]

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Medical Cannabis Use Rising Among Older Adults, Pauline Anderson, Medscape Medical News, 2021

Medical Cannabis Use Rising Among Older Adults Pauline Anderson Medscape Medical News ©March 22, 2021   More individuals are using medical cannabis, but the increase appears to be more pronounced among seniors, new research suggests. Results of a large Canadian survey study show that the proportion of older users among total users increased from 17.6% before 2017 to 26.7% in 2018 and 31.2% in 2019. The proportion of older users was 22.7% in 2020, but there were fewer participants in this latest sample (8869 in 2019 and 5644 in 2020). The majority of older respondents reported that they use cannabis to relieve pain and prefer cannabidiol [...]

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