The Therapeutic Effectiveness of Full Spectrum Hemp Oil Using a Chronic Neuropathic Pain Model Jacob M. Vigil, Marena A. Montera, Nathan S. Pentkowski, Jegason P. Diviant, Joaquin Orozco, Anthony L. Ortiz, Lawrence J. Rael and Karin N. Westlund Life, 2020, 10, 69, 1-12 doi : 10.3390/life10050069 Abstract : Background : Few models exist that can control for placebo and expectancy effects commonly observed in clinical trials measuring ‘Cannabis’ pharmacodynamics. We used the Foramen Rotundum Inflammatory Constriction Trigeminal Infraorbital Nerve injury (FRICT-ION) model to measure the effect of “full-spectrum” whole plant extracted hemp oil on chronic neuropathic pain sensitivity in mice. Methods : Male BALBc mice were [...]
Lire la suiteBeneficial effects of the phytocannabinoid Δ9-THCV in L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia in Parkinson's disease Isabel Espadas, Ettel Keifman, Cristina Palomo-Garo Sonia Burgaz, Concepción García, Javier Fernández-Ruiz, Rosario Moratalla Neurobiology of Disease, 2020, 141, 104892 doi : 10.1016/j.nbd.2020.104892 A B S T R A C T The antioxidant and CB2 receptor agonist properties of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabivarin (Δ9-THCV) afforded neuroprotection in experimental Parkinson's disease (PD), whereas its CB1 receptor antagonist profile at doses lower than 5 mg/kg caused anti-hypokinetic effects. In the present study, we investigated the anti dyskinetic potential of Δ9-THCV (administered i.p. at 2 mg/kg for two weeks), which had not been investigated before. This objective was investigated [...]
Lire la suitePrescription of a THC/CBD-Based Medication to Patients with Dementia : A Pilot Study in Geneva Barbara Broers, Zacharie Patà, Aline Mina, James Wampfler, Christian de Saussure, Sophie Pautex Medical Cannabis & Cannabinoids, 2019, 2, 56–59 Doi : 10.1159/000498924 Abstract Background : Dementia is increasing worldwide. No effective medication is currently available for the treatment of the underlying disease and accompanying behavioral symptoms. Cannabinoids might have a beneficial effect, but clinical studies with (low-dose) synthetic THC have not been conclusive. Objective : To test the acceptability, practical aspects, and clinical outcomes of the introduction of a THC/ CBD-based oral medication in severely demented patients in a specialized [...]
Lire la suiteEffet d’entourage contre douleur neuropathique Publié le 22 Mai 2020 Cette huile de cannabidiol est efficace contre la douleur neuropathique chronique, conclut cette étude pré-clinique de l’University of New Mexico (UNM). L’étude présentée dans la revue Life suggère que l’huile permet de diviser par 10 la sensibilité à la douleur mécanique et pendant plusieurs heures. Ici chez la souris modèle de douleur neuropathique postopératoire chronique. Ces données présentées dans la revue Life illustrent ce que les experts nomment l’effet d’entourage ou l’action synergique de différents composés du cannabis qui apporte cet effet thérapeutique. Dans cette expérience, il s’agit d’une huile de cannabis contenant [...]
Lire la suiteAltered dopamine D3 receptor gene expression in MAM model of schizophrenia is reversed by peripubertal cannabidiol treatment Tibor Stark, Martina Di Bartolomeo, Roberta Di Marco, Eva Drazanova, Chiara Bianca Maria Platania, Fabio Arturo Iannotti, Jana Ruda-Kucerova, Claudio D'Addario, Lucie Kratka, Vladimir Pekarik, Fabiana Piscitelli, Zuzana Babinska, Julia Fedotova, Giovanni Giurdanella, Salvatore Salomone, Alexandra Sulcova, Claudio Bucolo, Carsten T.Wotjak, Zenon Starcuk Jr, Filippo Drago, Raphael Mechoulam, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Vincenzo Micale Biochemical Pharmacology, April 2020, 1-12. doi : 10.1016/j.bcp.2020.114004 Un excellent article international (République Tchèque, Allemagne, Italy, Russie, Israel, Canada), avec la plus grande plume de la recherche sur les cannabinoïdes (Mechoulam, Di Marzo...) qui [...]
Lire la suiteUn hôpital commence à traiter les patients du COVID-19 avec le cannabis, Times of Israel . com, 2020
Un hôpital commence à traiter les patients du COVID-19 avec le cannabis L’hôpital Ichilov a commencé à administrer du cannabis médicinal aux patients atteints du coronavirus en état modéré dans le cadre d’un traitement expérimental, a rapporté la Douzième chaîne. Les docteurs cherchent à utiliser les propriétés antivirales du cannabis pour ralentir la propagation du virus, a annoncé l’hôpital.
Lire la suiteMedical cannabis and insomnia in older adults with chronic pain: a cross-sectional study Sharon R. Sznitman, Simon Vulfsons, David Meiri, Galit Weinstein BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 2020, 0, 1–6. doi : 10.1136/bmjspcare-2019-001938 Abstract Objectives : Medical cannabis (MC) is increasingly being used for treatment of chronic pain symptoms. Among patients there is also a growing preference for the use of MC to manage sleep problems. The aim of the current study was to examine the associations between use of whole plant cannabis and sleep problems among chronic pain patients. Methods : A total of 128 individuals with chronic pain over the age of 50 years [...]
Lire la suiteCannabis Use Motivations among Adults Prescribed Opioids for Pain versus Opioid Addiction Selena N. Clem, Teresa L. Bigand, Marian Wilson Pain Management Nursing, 2019, 1-5. Doi : 10.1016/j.pmn.2019.06.009 a b s t r a c t Background : Cannabis has been linked to reduced opioid use, although reasons for cannabis use among adults prescribed opioids are unclear. Aims : The purpose of this study was to determine whether motivations for cannabis use differ between adults prescribed opioids for persistent pain versus those receiving opioids as medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorder. Design : A cross-sectional survey design was used. Participants : Adults prescribed opioids for persistent pain (n [...]
Lire la suiteEfficacy of Dronabinol for Acute Pain Management in Adults with Traumatic Injury : Study Protocol of A Randomized Controlled Trial Claire Swartwood, Kristin Salottolo, Robert Madayag, David Bar-Or Brain Sciences, 2020, 10, 161, 1-9. Doi : 10.3390/brainsci10030161 Abstract Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (D9-THC) and other cannabinoids present in cannabis (marijuana) have been shown to affect the normal inhibitory pathways that influence nociception in humans. The potential benefits of cannabinoids as an analgesic are likely greatest in hyperalgesic and inflammatory states, suggesting a role as a therapeutic agent for treating acute pain following injury. Dronabinol is a licensed form of D9-THC. The primary objective of this single center randomized [...]
Lire la suiteBibliographie : Cannabinoïdes et autismes / TED / psychoses infantiles. Dr Christian Sueur, GRECC, version actualisée avril 2020.
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