Étiquette : cannabis

American Story ! De la prohibition des opiacés (1914) à la crise des opioïdes (1995-2018), Dr Bertrand Lebeau, 2018

American Story ! De la prohibition des opiacés (1914) à la crise des opioïdes (1995-2018) Dr Bertrand Lebeau Leibovici, CSAPA Valjean, Montfermeil (93), 2018.   Du Harrison Act (1914) aux années 30 La grande vague de prohibition née dans les années 1880 dans le monde occidental aboutit aux premières conférences internationales (Shanghaï, 1909, et La Haye, 1912). Dans le même temps, les premières législations nationales apparaissent aux Etats-Unis (1914), en France (1916), en Grande-Bretagne (1920). Précédant de 5 ans la « loi sèche » (Volstead Act) de 1919 qui prohibera l’alcool durant 15 ans, le Harisson Act vise à interdire la production, l’importation et la [...]

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How effective and safe is medical cannabis as a treatment of mental disorders? A systematic review, Eva Hoch et al., 2019

How effective and safe is medical cannabis as a treatment of mental disorders ? A systematic review Eva Hoch,· Dominik Niemann, · Rupert von Keller, · Miriam Schneider, · Chris M. Friemel, · Ulrich W. Preuss ,·Alkomiet Hasan, · Oliver Pogarell European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 2019 Doi.org/10.1007/s00406-019-00984-4   Abstract : We conducted a review of systematic reviews (SRs) and randomized-controlled trials (RCTs) to analyze efficacy and safety of cannabis-based medication in patients with mental disorders. Five data bases were systematically searched (2006—August 2018); 4 SRs (of 11 RCTs) and 14 RCTs (1629 participants) were included. Diagnoses were: dementia, cannabis and opioid dependence, psychoses/schizophrenia, general [...]

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Pills to Pot : Observational Analyses of Cannabis Substitution Among Medical Cannabis Users With Chronic Pain, K.F. Boehnke, 2019

Pills to Pot : Observational Analyses of Cannabis Substitution Among Medical Cannabis Users With Chronic Pain Kevin F. Boehnke, J. Ryan Scott, Evangelos Litinas, Suzanne Sisley, David A. Williams, Daniel J. Clauw The Journal of Pain, 2019 https://www.jpain.org/article/S1526-5900(18)30735-1/fulltext DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpain.2019.01.010 Highlights •Medical cannabis users reported substituting cannabis for pain medications. •User rationale for substitution was fewer side effects and better pain management. •Most users reported improved pain and health since using cannabis. •Intentions behind and duration of cannabis use affected substitution behavior. •Unlike previous studies, >50% of participants were women and adults >50 years old. Abstract Chronic pain is common, costly, and challenging to treat. Many [...]

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Clinical Manifestations of Cannabis Use Disorder, Alan J. Budney et al., 2019

Clinical Manifestations of Cannabis Use Disorder Alan J. Budney, Jacob T. Borodovsky, and Ashley A. Knapp C Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019   Introduction : Cannabis use disorder (CUD) or its colloquial synonym, cannabis addiction, remains controversial in that many in the general public believe that cannabis use does not pose substantial risk for harm and is not addictive in the same sense that tobacco, alcohol, cocaine, or heroin is addictive. Although assessment of people’s beliefs about addiction and harm is complicated by the lack of a consensus definition or a common understanding of addiction, the difference in perception of risk between cannabis and other [...]

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Cannabis and Mood Disorders, Aliya M. Lucatch et al., 2018

Cannabis and Mood Disorders Aliya M. Lucatch, Alexandria S. Coles, Kevin P. Hill & Tony P. George Current Addiction Reports, 2018 Sep, 5, 3, 336-345. doi: 10.1007/s40429-018-0214-y. Epub 2018 May 10. # Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018   Abstract : Purpose of Review : The present review will provide an overview of the neurobiology, epidemiology, clinical impact, and treatment of cannabis use disorder (CUD) in mood disorders. Recent Findings : Patients with mood disorders including major depressive disorder (MDD) and bipolar disorder (BD) have higher rates of cannabis use, and CUD compared to the general population. Reasons for this association are not clear, nor [...]

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A Cost-Effectiveness Model for Adjunctive Smoked Cannabis in the Treatment of Chronic Neuropathic Pain, 2019

A Cost-Effectiveness Model for Adjunctive Smoked Cannabis in the Treatment of Chronic Neuropathic Pain Griffin A. TYREE, Reith SARKAR, Brandon K. BELLOWS, Ronald J. ELLIS, Joseph HAMPTON ATKINSON, Thomas D. MARCOTTE, Mark S. WALLACE, Igor GRANT, Yuyan SHI, James D. MURPHY, and David J. GRELOTTI Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, Volume 0, Number 0, 2019 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. DOI: 10.1089/can.2018.0027   Abstract Background : A recent meta-analysis affirmed the benefit of medicinal cannabis for chronic neuropathic pain, a disabling and difficult-to-treat condition. As medicinal cannabis use is becoming increasingly prevalent among Americans, an exploration of its economic feasibility is warranted. We present this cost-effectiveness analysis of adjunctive [...]

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Medicinal Properties of Cannabis, Terpenes, and Flavonoids in Cannabis, and Benefits in Migraine, Headache, and Pain : An Update on Current Evidence and Cannabis Science, E.P. Baron, 2018

Medicinal Properties of Cannabis, Terpenes, and Flavonoids in Cannabis, and Benefits in Migraine, Headache, and Pain : An Update on Current Evidence and Cannabis Science, Eric P. BARON Headache, July/August 2018, 1139-1186.   Background.—Comprehensive literature reviews of historical perspectives and evidence supporting cannabis/ cannabinoids in the treatment of pain, including migraine and headache, with associated neurobiological mechanisms of pain modulation have been well described. Most of the existing literature reports on the cannabinoids Δ9- tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), or cannabis in general. There are many cannabis strains that vary widely in the composition of cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, and other compounds. These components work [...]

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Cannabis – from cultivar to chemovar, A. Hazekamp and J. T. Fischedick, 2012

Cannabis - from cultivar to chemovar A. Hazekamp and J. T. Fischedick Drug Testing and Analysis, 2012, (wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI 10.1002/dta.407, Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.   Abstract : The medicinal use of Cannabis is increasing as countries worldwide are setting up official programs to provide patients with access to safe sources of medicinal-grade Cannabis. An important question that remains to be answered is which of the many varieties of Cannabis should be made available for medicinal use. Drug varieties of Cannabis are commonly distinguished through the use of popular names, with a major distinction being made between Indica and Sativa types. Although more than [...]

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LA LÉGALISATION DU CANNABIS AU CANADA, GENÈSE ET ENJEUX DE LA RÉFORME Ivana Obradovic Observatoire Français des Drogues et Toxicomanies, Note n° 2018-04 Saint-Denis, le 11 octobre 2018   Introduction Pourquoi légaliser ? Contexte et objectifs de réforme Contexte et dynamique de la réforme État des lieux des consommations Un historique de réformes Un argument politique et électoral Reprendre la main sur le marché du cannabis médical Assécher le marché noir Des intérêts financiers considérables Légaliser pour mieux encadrer : les paris de la régulation Des objectifs multiples et parfois concurrents Un accès interdit pour les mineurs, contrôlé pour les adultes À la recherche d’une troisième voie entre Uruguay et États-Unis Comment réguler ? De la théorie à [...]

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Cannabis use and mental health : risks and benefits, Wayne HALL et al., 2019

Cannabis use and mental health: risks and benefits Wayne HALL, · Eva HOCH, · Valentina LORENZETTI European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, february 2019 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00406-019-00986-2 © Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019   In public debates about cannabis policy, two competing claims are often made about how cannabis use may affect mental health. One is that cannabis use by young adults and vulnerable individuals across the lifespan can be a contributory cause of : a cannabis dependence syndrome; schizophreniform psychoses; anxiety and depressive disorders; acute and perhaps chronic cognitive impairment, and structural and functional changes in brain pathways implicated in reward, learning and [...]

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