Étiquette : cannabis

The Cannabis Conundrum : Thinking Outside the THC Box, Sarah L. Hagerty et al., 2015

The Cannabis Conundrum : Thinking Outside the THC Box Sarah L. Hagerty, Sophie L. York Williams, Vijay A. Mittal, and Kent E. Hutchison The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2015, 55, 8, 839–841 DOI: 10.1002/jcph.511   Keywords : cannabis, cannabinoids, D9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol (CBD), psychosis   Despite nationwide movements to legalize and regulate cannabis, our understanding of its effects on human health is tenuous at best. Developing a solid evidence base regarding the health effects of cannabis is imperative given the momentum for legalization and the demand for sound regulatory practices. This present commentary will identify limitations with respect to previous research on cannabis, discuss the genesis and implications [...]

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Usages d’alcool, de tabac et de cannabis chez les adolescents du secondaire en 2018, Stanislas Spilka et al., Tendances, juin 2018

Usages d’alcool, de tabac et de cannabis chez les adolescents du secondaire en 2018 Stanislas Spilka, Emmanuelle Godeau (EHESP), Olivier Le Nézet, Virginie Ehlinger (Inserm UMR 1027), Eric Janssen, Alex Brissot, Antoine Philippon, Sandra Chyderiotis Tendances, juin 2018 Observatoire français des drogues et des toxicomanies   Observer les premiers usages de substances psychoactives chez les adolescents selon le niveau scolaire [1, 2] permet d’analyser le calendrier de diffusion des consommations pour la mise en oeuvre d’actions de prévention et de politiques de santé publique : quand et où intervenir auprès des élèves, quelles sont les classes « pivots » au cours desquelles les expérimentations s’amorcent ou [...]

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Study will test pot’s effects on infants’ brain development, Brian Donohue, UW Medicine School of Medecine, 2019

May 10, 2019 Study will test pot’s effects on infants’ brain development Researchers seek to isolate cannabis from concurrent use of alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs. Media Contact: Brian Donohue - 206.543.7856, bdonohue@uw.edu Kleinhans Lab MRI scans of infants’ brains are part of the evaluation to discern effects of prenatal marijuana exposure. UW Medicine researchers are recruiting pregnant women to study whether prenatal marijuana use – in the absence of alcohol, tobacco, and any illicit drug consumption – affects their infants’ brain development, cognitive and motor development, medical health, and social behavior. The “Moms + Marijuana” study is co-led by Drs. Natalia Kleinhans and Stephen Dager, radiologists at [...]

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Association Between Marijuana Use and Adverse Obstetrical and Neonatal Outcomes, C.R. Warshak, J. Regan et al., 2015

Association Between Marijuana Use and Adverse Obstetrical and Neonatal Outcomes CR Warshak; J Regan; B Moore; K Magner; S Kritzer; J Van Hook Journal of Perinatology, 2015, 35, 12, 991-995. PMID : 26401751 DOI : 10.1038/jp.2015.120 Abstract and Introduction Abstract Objective: To evaluate associations between marijuana exposure and adverse outcomes excluding women with polysubstance abuse and stratifying for concurrent maternal tobacco use. Study Design: We performed a retrospective cohort study evaluating various obstetrical and neonatal outcomes including: preterm delivery, pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, cesarean delivery, fetal growth restriction, a composite which included stillbirth or neonatal intensive care unit admission, and perinatal mortality. We stratified study groups [...]

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Cannabis For Cancer-Related Symptoms (CAFCARS), ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier : NCT03948074, mai 2019

Cannabis For Cancer-Related Symptoms (CAFCARS) https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03948074?recrs=abdf&cond=cannabis&draw=2&rank=98 ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT03948074 Recruitment Status : Not yet recruiting First Posted : May 13, 2019 Last Update Posted : May 13, 2019 See Contacts and Locations Sponsor: Pippa Hawley Information provided by (Responsible Party): Pippa Hawley, British Columbia Cancer Agency Study Description Brief Summary: Clinical evidence is urgently needed to be able to advise patients on which cannabis-based products to take, or to avoid, in managing cancer-related symptoms. This trial was therefore designed to determine which cannabis extract combination (High THC-Low CBD, Low THC-High CBD, or Equal amounts of THC and CBD) is most effective at treating cancer related symptoms for each [...]

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Cannabis : interdiction au Canada d’en mettre dans la bière, les bonbons et les sucettes, Jean-Yves NAU, juin 2019

Cannabis : interdiction au Canada d’en mettre dans la bière, les bonbons et les sucettes Jean-Yves NAU Blog Journalisme et santé Publique, 15 juin 2019 Bonjour C’était écrit dans la légalisation du cannabis : son industrie du cannabis se professionnalise à grande vitesse 1, élargit sans cesse sa palette. Aujourd’hui l’Agence France Presse nous apprend que des « produits comestibles à base de cannabis » seront vendus au Canada dès la mi-décembre. Annonce officielle faite, vendredi 14 juin, par le gouvernement canadien. Qui précise que les « produits susceptibles de plaire aux enfants » (comme les bonbons ou les sucettes) ne pourront pas en contenir 2. Ces nouvelles dispositions  entreront en vigueur [...]

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Has the Legalisation of Medical and Recreational Cannabis Use in the USA Affected the Prevalence of Cannabis Use and Cannabis Use Disorders ?Janni Leung et al., 2018

Has the Legalisation of Medical and Recreational Cannabis Use in the USA Affected the Prevalence of Cannabis Use and Cannabis Use Disorders ? Janni Leung, Chui Ying Vivian Chiu, Daniel Stjepanović & Wayne Hall Current Addiction Reports, 2018, 5, 403–417 https://doi.org/10.1007/s40429-018-0224-9 Published online: 21 September 2018 # Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018 Abstract Purpose of Review Since California legalised medical use of cannabis in 1996, 29 other US states have done so. Eight US states have legalised the retail sale of cannabis to adults over the age of 21 years since 2012. Critics of these policy changes have suggested that they will increase the prevalence of cannabis [...]

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The neuropsychopharmacology of cannabis : A review of human imaging studies, Michael A.P. Bloomfield et al., 2019

The neuropsychopharmacology of cannabis : A review of human imaging studies Michael A.P. Bloomfield, Chandni Hindocha, Sebastian F. Green, Matthew B.Wall, Rachel Lees, Katherine Petrilli, Harry Costello, M. Olabisi Ogunbiyi, Matthijs G. Bossong, Tom P. Freeman Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 2019, 195, 132-161 doi : 10.1016/j.pharmthera.2018.10.006 a b s t r a c t The laws governing cannabis are evolving worldwide and associated with changing patterns of use. The main psychoactive drug in cannabis is Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a partial agonist at the endocannabinoid CB1 receptor. Acutely, cannabis and THC produce a range of effects on several neurocognitive and pharmacological systems. These include effects on executive, emotional, [...]

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Long-Term Stress and Concomitant Marijuana Smoke Exposure Affect Physiology, Behavior and Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis, Kitti Rusznák et al., 2018

Long-Term Stress and Concomitant Marijuana Smoke Exposure Affect Physiology, Behavior and Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis Kitti Rusznák, Kata Csekö, Zsófia Varga, Dávid Csabai, Ágnes Bóna, Mátyás Mayer, Zsolt Kozma, Zsuzsanna Helyes and Boldizsár Czéh Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2018, 9, 786 doi: 10.3389/fphar.2018.00786. eCollection 2018 www.frontiersin.org   Abstract Marijuana is a widely used recreational drug with increasing legalization worldwide for medical purposes. Most experimental studies use either synthetic or plant-derived cannabinoids to investigate the effect of cannabinoids on anxiety and cognitive functions. The aim of this study was to mimic real life situations where young people smoke cannabis regularly to relax from everyday stress. Therefore, we exposed young adult [...]

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Regular cannabis use is associated with altered activation of central executive and default mode networks even after prolonged abstinence in adolescent users : Results from a complementary meta-analysis, Grace Blest-Hopley et al., 2019

Regular cannabis use is associated with altered activation of central executive and default mode networks even after prolonged abstinence in adolescent users : Results from a complementary meta-analysis Grace Blest-Hopley, Vincent Giampietro and Sagnik Bhattacharyya Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2019, 96, 45–55. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2018.10.026: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2018.10.026 PMCID: PMC6331661 PMID: 30395923 Abstract Whether the effects of cannabis use on brain function persist or recover following abstinence remains unclear. Therefore, using meta-analytic techniques, we examined whether functional alterations measured using fMRI persist in cannabis users abstinent for over 25 days (or 600 h) as evidence suggests that the effects on cognitive performance no longer persist beyond this period. Systematic literature search [...]

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