Effects of acute cannabidiol administration on anxiety and tremors induced by a Simulated Public Speaking Test in patients with Parkinson’s disease Stephanie Martins de Faria, Daiene de Morais Fabrício, Vitor Tumas, Paula Costa Castro, Moacir Antonelli Ponti, Jaime E.C. Hallak, Antonio W. Zuardi, José Alexandre S. Crippa and Marcos Hortes Nisihara Chagas Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2020, 1–8 doi : 10.1177/0269881119895536 Abstract Background : Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the main components of Cannabis sativa and has anxiolytic properties, but no study has been conducted to evaluate the effects of CBD on anxiety signs and symptoms in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD). This study aimed to [...]
Lire la suiteCannabidiol Adverse Effects and Toxicity Marilyn A. Huestis, Renata Solimini, Simona Pichini, Roberta Pacifici, Jeremy Carlier and Francesco Paolo Busardò Current Neuropharmacology, 2019, 17, 974-989 Doi : 10.2174/1570159XI7666190603171901 Abstract : Background : Currently, there is a great interest in the potential medical use of cannabidiol (CBD), a non-intoxicating cannabinoid. Productive pharmacological research on CBD occurred in the 1970s and intensified recently with many discoveries about the endocannabinoid system. Multiple preclinical and clinical studies led to FDA-approval of Epidiolex®, a purified CBD medicine formulated for oral administration for the treatment of infantile refractory epileptic syndromes, by the US Food and Drug Administration in 2018. The World [...]
Lire la suitePotential Pharmacokinetic Drug-Drug Interactions between Cannabinoids and Drugs Used for Chronic Pain Marta Vázquez, Natalia Guevara, Cecilia Maldonado, Paulo Cáceres Guido, and Paula Schaiquevich Hindawi, BioMed Research International, 2020, Article ID 3902740, 9 pages Doi : 10.1155/2020/3902740 Choosing an appropriate treatment for chronic pain remains problematic, and despite the available medication for its treatment, still, many patients complain about pain and appeal to the use of cannabis derivatives for pain control. However, few data have been provided to clinicians about the pharmacokinetic drug-drug interactions of cannabinoids with other concomitant administered medications. Therefore, the aim of this brief review is to assess the interactions between [...]
Lire la suiteCannabinoids Promising for Improving Appetite, Behavior in Dementia Pauline Anderson Medscape Medical News © March 19, 2021 For patients with dementia, cannabinoids may be a promising intervention for treating neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) and the refusing of food, new research suggests. Results of a systematic literature review showed that cannabinoids were associated with reduced agitation, longer sleep, and lower NPS. They were also linked to increased meal consumption and weight gain. Refusing food is a common problem for patients with dementia, often resulting in worsening sleep, agitation, and mood, study investigator Niraj Asthana, MD, a second-year resident in the Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego, told [...]
Lire la suiteLes interactions CBD / médicaments Posté le 6 avril 2020 par Swiss Medical Cannabis Depuis l’augmentation de sa demande, le cannabidiol (CBD) attire significativement l’attention sur son potentiel à soulager les symptômes de l’insomnie, de l’anxiété, de la douleur chronique et d’une foule d’autres problèmes de santé. Les recherches menées à ce jour démontrent progressivement que le CBD est d’une grande sécurité d’emploi même à forte dose et peu d’effets secondaires, somme toute mineurs. Toutefois, il existe une mise en garde : le CBD peut interagir avec certains médicaments. L’interrogation porte ainsi sur la façon dont le corps métabolise certaines substances. Avant de [...]
Lire la suiteThe Impact of Cannabidiol on Psychiatric and Medical Conditions Thersilla Oberbarnscheidt, Norman S. Miller Journal of Clinical and Medical Research, 2020, 12, (7), 393-403. Doi : 10.14740/jocmr4159 Abstract Cannabidiol (CBD) is a substance chemically derived from Cannabis sativa and discussed to be non-psychoactive. According to the FDA, marijuana is classified as a schedule I substance; however, hemp which is defined as extracts from marijuana including cannabinoids containing less than 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), is excluded from that controlled substance act and available at local convenience stores in the US as it is seen as an herbal supplement. CBD is purported to be used for various medical [...]
Lire la suiteCannabis for Migraine Strongly Linked to Rebound Headache, Megan Brooks, Medscape Medical News, 2021
Cannabis for Migraine Strongly Linked to Rebound Headache Megan Brooks Medscape Medical News © March 09, 2021 Patients with chronic migraine who turn to cannabis to relieve headache pain may be setting themselves up for medication overuse headache, preliminary research suggests, although the direction of the relationship is unclear. Researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California, found a significant increase in the likelihood of medication overuse headache (rebound headache) in chronic migraine patients who use cannabis. Dr Niushen Zhang "This study shows that there is some kind of association between cannabis use and medication overuse headache in people with chronic migraine," lead investigator Niushen Zhang, MD, [...]
Lire la suiteMedical Cannabis Use Rising Among Older Adults Pauline Anderson Medscape Medical News ©March 22, 2021 More individuals are using medical cannabis, but the increase appears to be more pronounced among seniors, new research suggests. Results of a large Canadian survey study show that the proportion of older users among total users increased from 17.6% before 2017 to 26.7% in 2018 and 31.2% in 2019. The proportion of older users was 22.7% in 2020, but there were fewer participants in this latest sample (8869 in 2019 and 5644 in 2020). The majority of older respondents reported that they use cannabis to relieve pain and prefer cannabidiol [...]
Lire la suiteCannabidiol as an Intervention for Addictive Behaviors : A Systematic Review of the Evidence Mélissa Prud’homme, Romulus Cata and Didier Jutras-Aswad Substance Abuse : Research and Treatment, 2015, 9, 33-38. doi : 10.4137/SART.S25081. Abstract : Drug addiction is a chronically relapsing disorder characterized by the compulsive desire to use drugs and a loss of control over consumption. Cannabidiol (CBD), the second most abundant component of cannabis, is thought to modulate various neuronal circuits involved in drug addiction. The goal of this systematic review is to summarize the available preclinical and clinical data on the impact of CBD on addictive behaviors. MEDLINE and PubMed were searched [...]
Lire la suiteNeuroprotection Following Concussion : The Potential Role for Cannabidiol Jyotpal Singh, John Patrick Neary Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences, 2020, 1–12 doi : 10.1017/cjn.2020.23 ABSTRACT : Cannabidiol (CBD) has been generating increasing interest in medicine due to its therapeutic properties and an apparent lack of negative side effects. Research has suggested that high dosages of CBD can be taken acutely and chronically with little to no risk. This review focuses on the neuroprotective effects of a CBD, with an emphasis on its implications for recovering from a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) or concussion. CBD has been shown to influence the endocannabinoid system, both by [...]
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