Utilisation des substances psychédéliques en thérapeutique et « auto-expérimentation » Docteur Christian SUEUR Colloque ATHS, 4 octobre 2019, Biarritz Le 14 mai dernier, est paru sur le site Vice.com, un article signé de Shayla Love, intitulé « The Ethics of Taking the Drugs You Study. Should psychedelic scientists trip on the drugs they research ? ».[1] Cette question pause la question, tant éthique que technique, de la nécessaire juxtaposition, lorsque l’on envisage la mise en place de thérapies psychédéliques, des apports récents de la neurobiologie éclairant le mode d’action cérébral des substances psychédéliques, et de la connaissance des effets psychiques de ces substances, grâce à l’auto-expérimentation des effets de [...]
Lire la suiteAyahuasca, Psychedelic Studies and Health Sciences: The Politics of Knowledge and Inquiry into an Amazonian Plant Brew Kenneth W. Tupper, and Beatriz C. Labate Current Drug Abuse Reviews, 2014, 7, 71-80 Abstract : This article offers critical sociological and philosophical reflections on ayahuasca and other psychedelics as objects of research in medicine, health and human sciences. It situates 21st century scientific inquiry on ayahuasca in the broader context of how early modern European social trends and intellectual pursuits translated into new forms of empiricism and experimental philosophy, but later evolved into a form of dogmatism that convenienced the political suppression of academic inquiry into [...]
Lire la suite« Heureusement qu’il y a l’herbe ! » Anne Coppel ERES | « Chimères », 2014/1 N° 82 | pages 33 à 42 https://www.cairn.inforevue-chimeres-2014-1-page-33.htm « On ne trouve pas trace dans les livres, ni ailleurs, du nom de Govan- Eremetus, ni du pays d’Archaos où il régna, entre la fin des Temps- Barbares et le commencement des Temps-Barbares. Pourtant quelque chose manque là, à la fois dans le temps et dans l’espace. À ce tournant mal éclairé de l’histoire, il y a comme un trou, des événements postérieurs restent inexpliqués. Les coordonnées ne se rejoignent pas ; à partir d’un certain point on les [...]
Lire la suiteIl y a herbe et herbe Michka SEELIGER-CHATELAIN ERES | « Chimères », 2014/1 N° 82 | pages 43 à 48 https://www.cairn.inforevue-chimeres-2014-1-page-43.htm Jean-Philippe Cazier : Vous dites que fumer de l’herbe vous a permis d’échapper à une forme de rationalité trop stricte. Est-ce que vous diriez que le cannabis a rendu possible, pour vous, un nouveau rapport au monde et à soi, de produire une forme de subjectivité ? M. : Le mot « cannabis » est encore plus vague que le mot « vin ». Il y a un monde entre le gros rouge de base et un grand cru élevé avec amour. Le [...]
Lire la suiteA National Survey of Marijuana Use Among US Adults With Medical Conditions, 2016-2017 Hongying Dai, Kimber P. Richter JAMA Network Open, 2019, 2, (9), e1911936. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.11936 Abstract IMPORTANCE : The number of states legalizing marijuana for medical and recreational use is increasing. Little is known regarding how or why adults with medical conditions use it. OBJECTIVES : To report the prevalence and patterns of marijuana use among adults with and without medical conditions, overall and by sociodemographic group, and to further examine the associations between current marijuana use and the types and number of medical conditions. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS : This survey study used a probability [...]
Lire la suiteEpidemiology of adolescent Salvia divinorum use in Canada Cheryl L. Currie Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2012, 128, (1-2) DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2012.08.008 a b s t r a c t Background : Salvia divinorum is a potent, naturally occurring hallucinogen gaining popularity as a recreational drug in North America. To date, detailed epidemiologic information about the use of this substance among adolescents living outside the United States has been limited. This study provides information on the prevalence and correlates of Salvia divinorum use among adolesecents in Canada using a nationally representative sample. Methods : Data were obtained from a representative sample of 42,179 Canadian adolescents aged 12–17 years living [...]
Lire la suiteSalvia divinorum EMCDDA, 2010. http://www.emcdda.europa.eu/publications/drug-profiles/salvia/fr Chimie Forme physique Pharmacologie Origine Mode de consommation Autres dénominations Analyse Pureté typique Contrôle Prévalence Prix au détail Usage médical Bibliographie Lecture complémentaire Photo: Wikimedia Commons La plante psychotrope Salvia divinorum, ou «Sauge des devins», est un membre rare de la famille des menthes (Lamiaceae; anciennement Labiatae), qui a été caractérisée au milieu du vingtième siècle. La plante est endémique d’une petite région montagneuse de l’État d’Oaxaca (Mexique), où les Indiens mazatèques ingèrent ses feuilles fraîches ou des préparations à base de feuilles lors de rituels divinatoires, de rites de guérison ou à des fins médicales. Depuis la fin [...]
Lire la suiteChapter 1 : You Have a Constitutional Right to Psychedelics. Academic Freedom, Personal Conscience, and Psychotechnologies Thomas B. Roberts From: Ellens, H. J. & T. B. Roberts. 2015. The Psychedelic Policy Quagmire: Health, Law, Freedom, and Society. Santa Barbara, CA. ABC-CLIO. Author’s note: This also applies to the European Charter of Human Rights and to similar national and international statements. Added Mar. 16, 2016. The problem : we do not suppress books and the ideas they contain; we do suppress psychedelic mindstates and the ideas they contain. Censorship is the issue of contention here: intellectual censorship. In this chapter, we’ll spot the single-state fallacy as [...]
Lire la suiteUse of Marijuana, Meth, Hallucinogens Up in New SAMHSA Survey Damian McNamara Medscape - Aug 22, 2019 Medscape Medical News © 2019 https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/917131?nlid=131240_2052&src=WNL_mdplsnews_190823_mscpedit_psyc&uac=292598PZ&spon=12&impID=2070816&faf=1 Almost 1 million more Americans ages 12 or older reported using marijuana in their lifetime in 2018 than in 2017, according to new data from a national survey. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health Report notes that approximately 1.2 million more people reported use of hallucinogens, which include LSD, PCP, and Ecstasy, compared with 2017. In addition, about 170,000 more people used methamphetamine. Not all substance use increased year over year. For example, 187,000 fewer adolescent and adult Americans [...]
Lire la suiteExpanding the Scientific Study of Self-Experience with Psychedelics Manesh Girn and Kalina Christoff Journal of Consciousness Studies, 2018, 25, (11–12), 131–54 Abstract : The nature of the self has long been a topic of discussion in philosophical and religious contexts, and has recently also garnered significant scientific attention. Although evidence exists to suggest the multifaceted nature of self-experience, the amount of research done on each of its putative components has not been uniform. Whereas selfreflective processing has been studied extensively, non-reflective aspects of self-experience have been the subject of comparatively little empirical research. This discrepancy may be linked to the methodological difficulties in experimentally [...]
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