Modern History of Medical Cannabis : From Widespread Use to Prohibitionism and Back Simona Pisanti and Maurizio Bifulco Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, Cell Press, 2017, 38, 3, 195-198. doi: 10.1016/ Over the history of pharmacology there are numerous examples of drugs being widely distributed, almost ‘trendy’, prescribed by physicians in a certain period as a sort of panacea, and then neglected, forgotten, or even forbidden as they become considered dangerous in the light of clinical observations. One of these drugs is Cannabis, which was very popular in the 19th century until disappearing from the official Pharmacopoeia at the beginning of the 20th century and [...]
Lire la suiteÉtat des lieux de la recherche sur les capacités thérapeutiques des « substances hallucinogènes » au 21e siècle Christian Sueur Psychotropes, 2017/3 (Vol. 23), p. 125-163. DOI 10.3917/psyt.233.0125 Résumé : L’utilisation thérapeutique des substances psychédéliques a été concomitante de la découverte du LSD et de la Mescaline après la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Ces utilisations thérapeutiques concernaient, à l’origine, essentiellement « l’accompagnement » des psychothérapies (thérapies psycholytiques), le traitement des addictions (alcool, puis opiacés) et, du fait de leurs capacités anxiolytiques et antidépressives, la prise en charge des troubles psychologiques post-traumatiques, les dépressions résistantes, les pathologies obsessionnelles et psychosomatiques (douleurs, migraines…) et l’accompagnement des fins [...]
Lire la suiteIncreased nature relatedness and decreased authoritarian political views after psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression LYONS T., CARHART-HARRIS R.L. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2018, 32, 7, 811-819. Doi : 10.1177/0269881117748902 Abstract Rationale : Previous research suggests that classical psychedelic compounds can induce lasting changes in personality traits, attitudes and beliefs in both healthy subjects and patient populations. Aim : Here we sought to investigate the effects of psilocybin on nature relatedness and libertarian authoritarian political perspective in patients with treatment-resistant depression (TRD). Methods : This open-label pilot study with a mixed-model design studied the effects of psilocybin on measures of nature relatedness and libertarian– authoritarian political perspective in patients with [...]
Lire la suiteCeremonial ‘Plant Medicine’ use and its relationship to recreational drug use : an exploratory study Caroline Dorsen, Joseph Palamar and Michele G. Shedlin Addiction Research & Theory, 2018 ABSTRACT Background : The ceremonial use of psychoactive/hallucinogenic plant based drugs, such as ayahuasca, psilocybin and others, is a growing trend in the United States (US) and globally. To date, there has been little research documenting how many people are using psychoactive substances in this context, who the users are, what benefits/risks exist in the use of these drugs and the relationship between ceremonial drug use and recreational drug use. In this paper we describe a [...]
Lire la suiteCultural Neurophenomenology of Psychedelic Thought: Guiding the “Unconstrained” Mind Through Ritual Context Michael LIFSHITZ, Eli SHEINER, and Laurence J. KIRMAYER The Oxford Handbook of Spontaneous Thought : Mind-Wandering, Creativity, and Dreaming Edited by Kalina Christoff and Kieran C.R. Fox, avril 2018 Abstract : This chapter explores psychedelics as catalysts of spontaneous thought. Classic serotonergic psychedelics such as psilocybin, LSD, and ayahuasca can induce potent alterations in cognition and perception. The chapter reviews research on these substances through the lens of cultural neurophenomenology, which aims to trace how neurobiology and sociocultural factors interact to shape experience. After a decades-long hiatus, the scientific study of psychedelics is rediscovering [...]
Lire la suiteDes cannabinoïdes et des hommes. Docteur Rodolphe Ingold, janvier 2018 La semaine dernière, on apprend que deux entrepreneurs sont condamnés à de la prison avec sursis pour avoir mis sur le marché du cannabidiol sous forme fumable dans les cigarettes électroniques. Et en avoir fait la publicité. Ils sont condamnés pour « exercice illicite de la pharmacie ». Sans dire explicitement qu’il s’agissait d’un médicament, ils ont eu l’imprudence de laisser entendre que leur produit pouvait avoir des vertus thérapeutiques. Le point de vue des juges est intéressant. Ils ont évité de poser la question du statut légal du cannabidiol pour s’en prendre à la [...]
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