Étiquette : adverse effects

Legal highs : staying on top of the flood of novel psychoactive substances, David Baumeister et al., 2015

Legal highs : staying on top of the flood of novel psychoactive substances David Baumeister, Luis M. Tojo and Derek K. Tracy Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology, 2015, Vol. 5, (2), 97–132 DOI: 10.1177/2045125314559539   Abstract : There has been growing clinical, public, and media awareness and concern about the availability and potential harmfulness of so-called ‘legal highs’, which are more appropriately called new or novel psychoactive substances (NPS). A cat-and-mouse process has emerged wherein unknown chemists and laboratories are producing new, and as yet nonproscribed, compounds for human consumption; and as soon as they are banned, which they inevitably are, slightly modified analogues are produced to [...]

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A National Survey of Marijuana Use Among US Adults With Medical Conditions, 2016-2017, Hongying Dai & Kimber P. Richter, 2019

A National Survey of Marijuana Use Among US Adults With Medical Conditions, 2016-2017 Hongying Dai, Kimber P. Richter JAMA Network Open, 2019, 2, (9), e1911936. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.11936   Abstract IMPORTANCE : The number of states legalizing marijuana for medical and recreational use is increasing. Little is known regarding how or why adults with medical conditions use it. OBJECTIVES : To report the prevalence and patterns of marijuana use among adults with and without medical conditions, overall and by sociodemographic group, and to further examine the associations between current marijuana use and the types and number of medical conditions. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS : This survey study used a probability [...]

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Renseignements destinés aux professionnels de la santé : Le cannabis (marijuana, marihuana) et les cannabinoïdes, Santé Canada, dernière version octobre 2018

Renseignements destinés aux professionnels de la santé : Le cannabis (marijuana, marihuana) et les cannabinoïdes (Version PDF - 2,690 Ko) https://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-canada/services/drogues-medicaments/cannabis/renseignements-medecins/renseignements-destines-professionnels-sante-cannabis-cannabinoides.html Santé Canada Auteur : Hanan Abramovici Ph.D. Co-auteurs : Sophie-Anne Lamour, Ph.D. et George Mammen, Ph.D. Nous republions cet excellent document de Santé Canada, et surtout, le résumé des indications reconnues, et envisagées, du cannabis thérapeutique.   Aperçu des énoncés récapitulatifs Les énoncés récapitulatifs suivants visent à résumer le contenu des sections 4.0 (Usages thérapeutiques possibles) et 7.0 (Effets indésirables) et leurs sous-sections respectives. Les énoncés récapitulatifs peuvent être également trouvés dans leurs sections et sous-sections respectives dans le corps même du document. Remarque: la plupart des études [...]

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Switch to mania after ayahuasca consumption in a man with bipolar disorder : a case report, Alejandro G Szmulewicz et al., 2015

Switch to mania after ayahuasca consumption in a man with bipolar disorder : a case report Alejandro G Szmulewicz, Marina P Valerio and Jose M Smith International Journal of Bipolar Disorders, 2015, 3, (4), 1-3. DOI 10.1186/s40345-014-0020-y   Abstract Background : There is an increasing use of ayahuasca for recreational purposes. Furthermore, there is a growing evidence for the antidepressant properties of its components. However, there are no reports on the effects of this substance in the psychiatric setting. Harmaline, one of the main components of ayahuasca, is a selective and reversible MAO-A inhibitor and a serotonin reuptake inhibitor. Case report : We present the case of [...]

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Long-term Heavy Cannabis Use : implications for health education, Niall COGGANS et al., 2004

Long-term Heavy Cannabis Use : implications for health education Niall COGGANS, Phil DALGARNO, Lindsay JOHNSON & David SHEWAN Drugs : education, prevention and policy, 2004, Vol. 11, No. 4, 299–313   ABSTRACT There is growing evidence that cannabis can have negative effects on health. While the ongoing debate about the nature and duration of these effects recognizes mild cognitive impairment, the evidence for irreversibility of cognitive impairment and causal links with psychiatric illness is not conclusive. There is undoubtedly potential for impairment of respiratory functioning, but that will depend on lifetime load and in most cases is confounded with tobacco smoking. There is a [...]

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Heavy Cannabis Use, Dependence and the Brain : A Clinical Perspective, KROON E. et al., 2019

Heavy Cannabis Use, Dependence and the Brain: A Clinical Perspective KROON E., KUHNS L., HOCH E., COUSIJN J. Addictions,  2019 Aug 13. doi: 10.1111/add.14776. PMID: 31408248 Abstract AIMS : To summarize and evaluate our knowledge of the relationship between heavy cannabis use, Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD), and the brain. METHODS : Narrative review of relevant literature identified through existing systematic reviews, meta-analyses and a PubMed search. Epidemiology, clinical representations, potential causal mechanisms, assessments, treatment and prognosis are discussed. RESULTS : Although causality is unclear, heavy and dependent cannabis use is consistently associated with a high prevalence of comorbid psychiatric disorders and learning and memory impairments that seem [...]

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The Relevance of Sex in the Association of Synthetic Cannabinoid Use With Psychosis and Agitation in an Inpatient Population, Anahita Bassir Nia et al., 2019

The Relevance of Sex in the Association of Synthetic Cannabinoid Use With Psychosis and Agitation in an Inpatient Population Anahita Bassir Nia, MD‡; Claire L. Mann, BA; Sharron Spriggs, MA; Daniel R. DeFrancisco, MD; Steven Carbonaro, MD; Lyla Parvez, MA; Igor I. Galynker, MD, PhD; Charles A. Perkel, MD; and Yasmin L. Hurd, PhD Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 2019, 80, (4), 18m12539 https://doi.org/10.4088/JCP.18m12539 Background : Current evidence suggests that women are more sensitive to the effects of cannabinoids. The aim of this study was to investigate the relevance of sex in the association of synthetic cannabinoid (SC) use with psychosis and agitation. Methods : A [...]

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Salvia divinorum, EMCDDA, 2010

Salvia divinorum EMCDDA, 2010. http://www.emcdda.europa.eu/publications/drug-profiles/salvia/fr Chimie Forme physique Pharmacologie Origine Mode de consommation Autres dénominations Analyse Pureté typique Contrôle Prévalence Prix au détail Usage médical Bibliographie Lecture complémentaire Photo: Wikimedia Commons La plante psychotrope Salvia divinorum, ou «Sauge des devins», est un membre rare de la famille des menthes (Lamiaceae; anciennement Labiatae), qui a été caractérisée au milieu du vingtième siècle. La plante est endémique d’une petite région montagneuse de l’État d’Oaxaca (Mexique), où les Indiens mazatèques ingèrent ses feuilles fraîches ou des préparations à base de feuilles lors de rituels divinatoires, de rites de guérison ou à des fins médicales. Depuis la fin [...]

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Use of Marijuana, Meth, Hallucinogens Up in New SAMHSA Survey, Damian McNamara, August 2019

Use of Marijuana, Meth, Hallucinogens Up in New SAMHSA Survey Damian McNamara Medscape - Aug 22, 2019 Medscape Medical News © 2019 https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/917131?nlid=131240_2052&src=WNL_mdplsnews_190823_mscpedit_psyc&uac=292598PZ&spon=12&impID=2070816&faf=1 Almost 1 million more Americans ages 12 or older reported using marijuana in their lifetime in 2018 than in 2017, according to new data from a national survey. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health Report notes that approximately 1.2 million more people reported use of hallucinogens, which include LSD, PCP, and Ecstasy, compared with 2017. In addition, about 170,000 more people used methamphetamine. Not all substance use increased year over year. For example, 187,000 fewer adolescent and adult Americans [...]

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The Potential of Cannabidiol as a Treatment for Psychosis and Addiction : Who Benefits Most ? A Systematic Review, Albert Batalla et al., 2019

The Potential of Cannabidiol as a Treatment for Psychosis and Addiction : Who Benefits Most ? A Systematic Review Albert Batalla, Hella Janssen, Shiral S. Gangadin and Matthijs G. Bossong Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2019, 8, 1058 doi : 10.3390/jcm8071058 Abstract : The endogenous cannabinoid (eCB) system plays an important role in the pathophysiology of both psychotic disorders and substance use disorders (SUDs). The non-psychoactive cannabinoid compound, cannabidiol (CBD) is a highly promising tool in the treatment of both disorders. Here we review human clinical studies that investigated the ecacy of CBD treatment for schizophrenia, substance use disorders, and their comorbidity. In particular, we examined [...]

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