Within-treatment changes in a novel addiction treatment program using traditional Amazonian medicine David M. O’Shaughnessy , Ilana Berlowitz, Robin Rodd, Zoltán Sarnyai and Frances Quirk Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology, 2021, Vol. 11, 1–18 DOI : 10.1177/2045125320986634 Abstract Aims : The therapeutic use of psychedelics is regaining scientific momentum, but similarly psychoactive ethnobotanical substances have a long history of medical (and other) uses in indigenous contexts. Here we aimed to evaluate patient outcomes in a residential addiction treatment center that employs a novel combination of Western and traditional Amazonian methods. Methods : The study was observational, with repeated measures applied throughout treatment. All tests were administered in [...]
Lire la suiteCannabis and Cannabinoids: Weighing the Benefits and Risks in Psychiatric Patients Diana M. Martinez, MD Medscape .com, December 18, 2020 This transcript has been edited for clarity. Hello. I'm Diana Martinez. I'm a psychiatrist at the Columbia University Medical Center in the Department of Psychiatry. Today we'll be talking about the interaction between cannabis and psychiatric disorders. When I say "cannabis," this is really the same as marijuana. I use the term "cannabis" because this is a scientific term for the plant. I'm going to start with a brief history of cannabis. It’s been used for centuries in India as both an intoxicant and a [...]
Lire la suiteSynthetic and Non-synthetic Cannabinoid Drugs and Their Adverse Effects-A Review From Public Health Prospective Koby Cohen and Aviv M. Weinstein Frontiers in Public Health, 2018, Volume 6 | Article 162 doi : 10.3389/fpubh.2018.00162 There is a growing use of novel psychoactive substances containing synthetic cannabinoids. Synthetic cannabinoid products have effects similar to those of natural cannabis, yet, these drugs are more potent and dangerous, and have been associated with dangerous adverse effects. Here, we review current literature on the epidemiology, acute, and chronic effects of synthetic and natural cannabinoid-based drugs. Synthetic drugs contain a mixture of psychoactive compounds that mostly bind cannabinoid receptors with [...]
Lire la suiteFlash info 19/11/2020 MILDECA Covid-19 : isolement et conditions de travail favorisent les conduites addictives Depuis le premier confinement instauré en mars dernier, l’isolement au travail, l’augmentation des objectifs en matière de performance ainsi que la charge de travail ont joué un rôle dans l’augmentation des consommations de substances psychoactives. C’est ce que montre l’enquête publiée ce jour par la MILDECA et ses partenaires. Pour documenter l’évolution des consommations de substances psychoactives et les conditions de travail en période d’épidémie de Covid-19, la MILDECA et ses partenaires - ANSES, Anact, INRS, OFDT, Santé Publique France et le COCT * - ont commandité une enquête [...]
Lire la suiteRole of the endogenous cannabinoid system in nicotine addiction : novel insights Islam Hany Gamaleddin, Jose M.Trigo, Aliou B. Gueye, Alexander Zvonok, Alexandros Makriyannis, Steven R. Goldberg and Bernard Le Foll Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2015, Vol 6, Article 41, 1-12. doi : 10.3389/fpsyt.2015.00041 Several lines of evidence have shown that the endogenous cannabinoids are implicated in several neuropsychiatric diseases. Notably, preclinical and human clinical studies have shown a pivotal role of the cannabinoid system in nicotine addiction. The CB1 receptor inverse agonist/antagonist rimonabant (also known as SR141716)was effective to decrease nicotine-taking and nicotine-seeking in rodents, as well as the elevation of dopamine induced by [...]
Lire la suiteThe role of cannabinoid transmission in emotional memory formation: implications for addiction and schizophrenia Huibing Tan, Tasha Ahmad, Michael Loureiro, Jordan Zunder and Steven R. Laviolette Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2014,Vol 5, Article 73, 1-12 doi : 10.3389/fpsyt.2014.00073 Emerging evidence from both basic and clinical research demonstrates an important role for endo-cannabinoid (ECB) signaling in the processing of emotionally salient information, learning, and memory. Cannabinoid transmission within neural circuits involved in emotional processing has been shown to modulate the acquisition, recall, and extinction of emotionally salient memories and importantly, can strongly modulate the emotional salience of incoming sensory information. Two neural regions in particular, the [...]
Lire la suiteCannabis « médical » contre cannabis « récréatif » : une vision trop simpliste Nicolas Authier, The Conversation, 22 janvier 2020 https://theconversation.com/cannabis-medical-contre-cannabis-recreatif-une-vision-trop-simpliste-129090 Ponctuel ou régulier, seul ou en groupe, pour soulager une souffrance ou chercher une convivialité… L’usage du cannabis diffère selon que sa finalité est médicale ou non médicale. En France, l’usage médical du cannabis, sous forme de médicament, est autorisé depuis 2013, sous forme de spécialités pharmaceutiques. Cet usage médical est généralement opposé à l’usage dit « récréatif ». Cependant, si cette description simplifiée facilite les questions de réglementation, elle ne permet pas, du point de vue de la santé publique, de proposer [...]
Lire la suiteCannabis Misconceptions Still Common Among MS Clinicians Nancy Melville June 05, 2020 https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/931872?nlid=135873_425&src=WNL_mdplsfeat_200609_mscpedit_psyc&uac=292598PZ&spon=12&impID=2413707&faf=1 Despite the ever-increasing acceptance of medical cannabis and its notably common use in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), clinicians treating those patients still may be poorly informed about risks, benefits, regulations, and proper uses, experts say. "There is evidence of a 'clinical void,' with clinicians on one side and people with MS and other conditions on the other that doesn't usually exist regarding therapies that people with MS are using," said Allen C. Bowling, MD, PhD, director of the NeuroHealth Institute and clinical professor of neurology at the University of Colorado, in Aurora. His [...]
Lire la suiteCannabis (Marijuana) : Psychoactive Properties, Addiction, Therapeutic Uses, and Toxicity Sumanasekera W.K. and Spio K. Journal of Addictive Behaviors, Therapy and Rehabilitation, 2016, 5, 2, 1-9. Doi : 10.4172/2324-9005.10001562016 Abstract Background and Objectives : To analyze the existing literature on cannabis (marijuana) under several sub topics; history of use, addiction, mechanism of action, therapeutic uses, and adverse effects. Methods : A comprehensive literature search was conducted. Data sources include original research articles, systematic reviews and meta- analysis, and web-based references such as Drug strategy monographs and Merck Index. Data bases such as PubMed and Cinhal was used. References were from 1979 -2016. Hypothesis : Based on the [...]
Lire la suiteConfinement et prise de psychotropes : ce que nous apprend la guerre du Vietnam Benjamin ROLLAND, Julia de TERNAY The Conversation, 22 avril 2020 https://theconversation.com/confinement-et-prise-de-psychotropes-ce-que-nous-apprend-la-guerre-du-vietnam-136364 Les situations de confinement tel que ce que nous vivons depuis plus d’un mois déséquilibrent, de manière souvent brutale, les rituels de vie et les relations sociales. Or, les consommations de substances addictives dépendent de l’équilibre dynamique permanent qui existe entre un sujet et son environnement. Beaucoup se demandent donc quel sera l’impact du confinement sur les consommations d’alcool, de tabac, ou d’autres drogues, dans la population française en générale, mais aussi chez les sujets les plus vulnérables, qui ont, [...]
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