Catégorie : Substances psychédéliques et therapeutique

Séminaire EHESS (Centre Alexandre-Koyré) “Etudes psychédéliques, approche historique”, 2018 – 2019

Séminaire EHESS "études psychédéliques, approche historique" 12, Nov Cet atelier doctoral de l'EHESS (Centre Alexandre-Koyré), ouvert aux étudiant·e·s, doctorant·e·s et chercheur·e·s, propose un programme de conférences portant sur le thème des substances dites « psychédéliques », selon terme inventé en 1956 par le psychiatre britannique Humphry Osmond. Il s’agit de proposer une étude historique de l'intérêt scientifique portant sur la mescaline, le LSD et la psilocybine, des recherches portant sur leurs effets psychiques et sur leur utilité en thérapeutique, des aspects liés à leur production et enfin de leur réception en dehors du monde académique. Chaque séance est structurée [...]

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DE L’USAGE DE QUELQUES PLANTES HALLUCINOGÈNES, chez les voyageurs, les écrivains, les artistes et les médecins, par Aymon de Lestrange, sur le Blog de la Société Psychédélique Française, 2018

Histoire de la découverte de quelques hallucinogènes science DE L’USAGE DE QUELQUES PLANTES HALLUCINOGÈNES, chez les voyageurs, les écrivains, les artistes et les médecins par Aymon de Lestrange Pour citer cet article : de l’Estrange, Aymon, 2018, Histoire de la découverte de quelques hallucinogènes, , septembre 2018, consulté le...   L’usage rituel et médical de stupéfiants tels que l’opium ou le haschisch remonte à plusieurs millénaires. Il en va de même pour les hallucinogènes tels que le peyotl ou bien les champignons hallucinogènes, à ceci près que leur découverte par l’Occident a été beaucoup plus tardive. On estime à plusieurs centaines le nombre d’espèces de [...]

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Connectome-harmonic decomposition of human brain activity reveals dynamical repertoire re-organization under LSD, Selen Atasoy, Robin L. Carhart-Harris et al.,

Connectome-harmonic decomposition of human brain activity reveals dynamical repertoire re-organization under LSD Selen Atasoy, Leor Roseman, Mendel Kaelen, Morten L. Kringelbach, Gustavo Deco & Robin L. Carhart-Harris Scientific Reports | 7: 17661 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-17546-0 Recent studies have started to elucidate the effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) on the human brain but the underlying dynamics are not yet fully understood. Here we used ’connectome-harmonic decomposition’, a novel method to investigate the dynamical changes in brain states. We found that LSD alters the energy and the power of individual harmonic brain states in a frequency-selective manner. Remarkably, this leads to an expansion of the repertoire [...]

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LSD-assisted psychotherapy for anxiety associated with a life-threatening disease: A qualitative study of acute and sustained subjective effects, Peter Gasser et al., 2014

LSD-assisted psychotherapy for anxiety associated with a life-threatening disease: A qualitative study of acute and sustained subjective effects Peter Gasser, Katharina Kirchner and Torsten Passie Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2014, 1, 12 Reprints and permissions: DOI: 10.1177/0269881114555249 Abstract Objective : A recently published study showed the safety and efficacy of LSD-assisted psychotherapy in patients with anxiety associated with lifethreatening diseases. Participants of this study were included in a prospective follow-up. Method : 12 months after finishing LSD psychotherapy, 10 participants were tested for anxiety (STAI) and participated in a semi-structured interview. A Qualitative Content Analysis (QCA) was carried out on the interviews to elaborate about LSD effects and [...]

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Safety and Efficacy of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide-Assisted Psychotherapy for Anxiety Associated With Life-threatening Diseases, Peter Gasser et al., 2014

Safety and Efficacy of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide-Assisted-Psychotherapy for Anxiety Associated With Life-threatening Diseases Peter Gasser,  Dominique Holstein, Yvonne Michel, Rick Doblin, Berra Yazar-Klosinski, Torsten Passie,  and Rudolf Brenneisen Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 2014   Abstract : A double-blind, randomized, active placebo-controlled pilot study was conducted to examine safety and efficacy of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)-assisted psychotherapy in 12 patients with anxiety associated with lifethreatening diseases. Treatment included drug-free psychotherapy sessions supplemented by two LSD-assisted psychotherapy sessions 2 to 3 weeks apart. The participants received either 200 Kg of LSD (n = 8) or 20 Kg of LSD with an open-label crossover to 200 [...]

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LSD-Assisted Psychotherapy for Anxiety Related to Life-Threatening Illness, LSD-Assisted Psychotherapy: MAPS-Sponsored Clinical Trials, 2014

LSD-Assisted Psychotherapy for Anxiety Related to Life-Threatening Illness Category: LSD-Assisted Psychotherapy: MAPS-Sponsored Clinical Trials Location: Solothurn, Switzerland MAPS is proud to sponsor the first study of the therapeutic use of LSD in humans in over 40 years. This study, based in Switzerland, investigates the safety and effectiveness of LSD-assisted psychotherapy in subjects with life-threatening illnesses and who are experiencing associated anxiety. The study received final approval from the BAG (the Swiss DEA) on December 5, 2007, final approval from the Ethics Committee (the Swiss IRB equivalent) on October 30, 2007, and clearance from SwissMedic (the Swiss FDA equivalent) on November 8, 2007. The [...]

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LSD-Assisted Psychotherapy ,, 2018

LSD-Assisted Psychotherapy   MAPS has completed the first double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the therapeutic use of LSD in human beings since the early 1970s. LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is a semi-synthetic compound first developed in 1938 by Dr. Albert Hofmann at the Sandoz pharmaceutical company in Basel, Switzerland. After Dr. Hofmann first discovered its effects in 1943, LSD quickly became recognized for its possible therapeutic effects. LSD also played a significant role in the discovery of the serotonin neurotransmitter system. Experimental LSD capsule from our completed Swiss pilot study Our completed Phase 2 pilot study in 12 subjects found positive trends in the reduction of anxiety [...]

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Oral Ketamine for Depression, 1: Pharmacologic Considerations and Clinical Evidence, Chittaranjan Andrade, 2019

Oral Ketamine for Depression, 1: Pharmacologic Considerations and Clinical Evidence. Chittaranjan Andrade Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 2019, 80, 2, 19f12820. Abstract Clinical evidence is accumulating to support the use of ketamine as a powerful, quick-acting intervention for depression. Ketamine has been administered by oral, sublingual, transmucosal, intravenous, intramuscular, subcutaneous, intranasal, and even rectal routes. Whereas intravenous ketamine is the best studied approach, common sense dictates that oral ketamine is the most practical. The bioavailability of oral ketamine and interindividual variations thereof have been poorly studied; possibly only 20%-25% of an oral dose reaches the bloodstream. This is not necessarily a limitation because, as with [...]

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Hallucinogen Use, Brooke S Parish et al., 2015

Hallucinogen Use Updated: Nov 23, 2015 Brooke S Parish, MD; Chief Editor: Eduardo Dunayevich, MD , MedScape, Drugs & Diseases, Psychiatry   Background Hallucinogens are a diverse group of drugs that cause an alteration in perception, thought, or mood. A rather heterogeneous group, these compounds have different chemical structures, different mechanisms of action, and different adverse effects. Despite their name, most hallucinogens do not consistently cause hallucinations, which are defined as false sensations that have no basis in reality. Often, they are more likely to cause changes in mood or in thought than actual hallucinations. Hallucinogens share a rich history. Many cultures have used hallucinogens for religious [...]

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