Catégorie : Pharmacologie

Ayahuasca : Uses, Phytochemical and Biological Activities, Edgar Antonio Estrella‑Parra et al., 2019

Ayahuasca : Uses, Phytochemical and Biological Activities Edgar Antonio Estrella‑Parra · Julio Cesar Almanza‑Pérez · Francisco Javier Alarcón‑Aguilar Natural Products and Bioprospecting, 2019, 9, 251–265 doi : 10.1007/s13659-019-0210-5   Abstract Ayahuasca (caapi, yajé), is a psychoactive brew from the Amazon Basin region of South America traditionally considered a “master plant.” It is prepared as a decoction from Banisteriopsis caapi and Psychotria viridis, which it is thought that it stimulates creative thinking and visual creativity. Native healers of the Orinoco and Amazon basins have used traditionally ayahuasca as a healing tool for multiple purposes, particularly to treat psychological disorders in the patients, with some beneficial effects experimentally [...]

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Role of the endogenous cannabinoid system in nicotine addiction : novel insights, Islam Hany Gamaleddin et al., 2015

Role of the endogenous cannabinoid system in nicotine addiction : novel insights Islam Hany Gamaleddin, Jose M.Trigo, Aliou B. Gueye, Alexander Zvonok, Alexandros Makriyannis, Steven R. Goldberg and Bernard Le Foll Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2015, Vol 6, Article 41, 1-12. doi : 10.3389/fpsyt.2015.00041 Several lines of evidence have shown that the endogenous cannabinoids are implicated in several neuropsychiatric diseases. Notably, preclinical and human clinical studies have shown a pivotal role of the cannabinoid system in nicotine addiction. The CB1 receptor inverse agonist/antagonist rimonabant (also known as SR141716)was effective to decrease nicotine-taking and nicotine-seeking in rodents, as well as the elevation of dopamine induced by [...]

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Cannabinomimetric Lipids : From Natural Extract to Artificial Synthesis, Ya-Ru Gao & Yong-Qiang Wang, 2018

Cannabinomimetric Lipids : From Natural Extract to Artificial Synthesis Ya-Ru Gao, Yong-Qiang Wang Natural Products and Bioprospecting, 2018, 8, 1–21 doi : 10.1007/s13659-017-0151-9 Abstract Endocannabinoid system is related with various physiological and cognitive processes including fertility, pregnancy, during pre- and postnatal development, pain-sensation, mood, appetite, and memory. In the latest decades, an important milestone concerning the endocannabinoid system was the discovery of the existence of the cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2. Anandamide was the first reported endogenous metabolite, which adjusted the release of some neurotransmitters through binding to the CB1 or CB2 receptors. Then a series of cannabinomimetric lipids were extracted from marine organisms, which [...]

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Research Progress of the Antiviral Bioactivities of Natural Flavonoids, Lin Wang et al., 2020

Research Progress of the Antiviral Bioactivities of Natural Flavonoids Lin Wang · Junke Song · Ailin Liu · Bin Xiao · Sha Li · Zhang Wen · Yang Lu · Guanhua Du Natural Products and Bioprospecting, 2020, 10, 271–283 doi : 10.1007/s13659-020-00257-x Abstract Flavonoids are now considered as an indispensable component in a variety of nutraceutical and pharmaceutical applications. Most recent researches have focused on the health aspects of flavonoids for humans. Especially, different flavonoids have been investigated for their potential antiviral activities, and several natural flavonoids exhibited significant antiviral properties both in vitro and in vivo. This review provides a survey of the literature [...]

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Determination of cannabinoids in Cannabis sativa L. samples for recreational, medical, and forensic purposes by reversed-phase liquid chromatography-ultraviolet detection, Sanja Zivovinovic, et al., 2018

Determination of cannabinoids in Cannabis sativa L. samples for recreational, medical, and forensic purposes by reversed-phase liquid chromatography-ultraviolet detection Sanja Zivovinovic, Ruth Alder, Martina D. Allenspach and Christian Steuer Journal of Analytical Science and Technology, 2018, 9, 27, 1-10 doi : 10.1186/s40543-018-0159-8   Abstract Background : Currently, an increasing demand of cannabis-derived products for recreational and medical use is observed. Therefore, the reliable and fast quantification of cannabinoids in hemp samples is essential for the control of product from Cannabis sativa, L. strains. In general, gas chromatography (GC) is the method of choice for the quantification of cannabinoids whereas this method is time consuming and the [...]

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IACM : Le premier webinaire gratuit de l’IACM commence dans 3 heures : Dr Roger Pertwee

Dans 3 heures, le premier webinaire de la série d'événements gratuits de l'IACM commencera, qui se déroulera jusqu'au 3 décembre 2020. Tous les webinaires peuvent être consultés gratuitement jusqu'au 31 mars 2021. Il n'y a donc aucun problème si vous manquez un rendez-vous. O. k. Vous pouvez copier le Magath ici 15 octobre 2020, 18 heures (CET) Dr. Roger Pertwee Les utilisations thérapeutiques potentielles de certains cannabinoïdes dérivés du cannabis et synthétiques révélées par leurs propriétés pharmacologiques -- Quels sont les médicaments cannabinoïdes approuvés qui ont déjà été développés ? -- Existe-t-il des cannabinoïdes végétaux (phytocannabinoïdes) ayant des propriétés pharmacologiques, pour lesquels des applications thérapeutiques [...]

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Du cannabis de synthèse dangereux sur le marché noir, RESPADD, 11 octobre 2020

Du cannabis de synthèse dangereux sur le marché noir   RESPADD, Actualité des Addictions, Savoirs , Connaissances et Pratiques, 11 octobre 2020   Il y a un an déjà, le canton de Zurich lançait l'alerte sur la présence de cannabinoïdes de synthèse dangereux sur le marché noir. Aujourd'hui, ils gagneraient la Suisse romande. Les associations de drug checking adaptent leurs offres pour intégrer les tests à ces substances. Les sites internet multiplient les alertes. Une situation qui appelle à accélérer la mise en place de dispositifs de drug checking dans toute la Suisse et d'une règlementation spécifique. Après Zurich, Bâle et Berne, du cannabis synthétique [...]

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Futures prescriptions de cannabis à visée thérapeutique : mode d’emploi, Nicolas Authier, The Conversation, 23 juin 2019

Futures prescriptions de cannabis à visée thérapeutique : mode d’emploi Nicolas Authier The Conversation, 23 juin 2019   Depuis septembre 2018, l’Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament (ANSM) a mis en place un comité scientifique spécialisé temporaire (CSST) visant à réfléchir à la pertinence d’un accès en France à des préparations à base de cannabis à visée thérapeutique. La raison d’être de ce comité d’experts composé de médecins, de patients et de sociologues est de proposer une expérimentation visant à mieux soulager des patients qui souffrent, souvent depuis des années, sans trouver de solutions dans les thérapeutiques disponibles. Les travaux du CSST ne concernent [...]

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Mystical Experiences in Retrospective Reports of First Times Using a Psychedelic in Finland, Samuli Kangaslampi et al., 2020

Mystical Experiences in Retrospective Reports of First Times Using a Psychedelic in Finland Samuli Kangaslampi, PhD , Aino Hausen, BA, and Tarina Rauteenmaa, BA JOURNAL OF PSYCHOACTIVE DRUGS, 2020, 1-10 Doi : 10.1080/02791072.2020.1767321   ABSTRACT Despite their acutely inebriating and sometimes unpleasant effects, some people report positive changes in life satisfaction, well-being, or mental health after taking psychedelic drugs. One explanation may be the ability of psychedelics to trigger mystical-type experiences. We examined the validity, reliability, and factor structure of a novel Finnish translation of the Revised Mystical Experiences Questionnaire (MEQ30) among 288 people retrospectively reporting on their first time using a psychedelic. We found evidence [...]

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Adverse Reactions to Psychedelic Drugs. A Review of the Literature, Rick J. STRASSMAN, 1984.

Adverse Reactions to Psychedelic Drugs. A Review of the Literature Rick J. STRASSMAN, M.D. THE JOURNAL OF NERVOUS AND MENTAL DISEASE, 1984, VOL. 172, NO. 10, 577-595. DOI : 10.1097/00005053-198410000-00001   The use of naturally occurring and synthetically derived compounds for their "psychedelic" effects has been a part of human culture for thousands of years. The basic pharmacology of the major synthetic psychedelic compounds primarily lysergic acid diethylamide [LSD]-25 is described and reference is made to their potentially beneficial psychological effects. Adverse reactions, defined as dysphoric and/or maladaptive/dysfunctional responses to the use of these drugs, sometimes require careful clinical judgment in order to diagnose. These reactions [...]

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