Catégorie : Cannabis therapeutique

Cannabinoid Regulation of Fear and Anxiety : an Update, Eleni P. Papagianni & Carl W. Stevenson, 2019

Cannabinoid Regulation of Fear and Anxiety : an Update Eleni P. Papagianni & Carl W. Stevenson Current Psychiatry Reports, 2019, 21, 38 doi : 10.1007/s11920-019-1026-z   Abstract Purpose of Review : Anxiety- and trauma-related disorders are prevalent and debilitating mental illnesses associated with a significant socioeconomic burden. Current treatment approaches often have inadequate therapeutic responses, leading to symptom relapse. Here we review recent preclinical and clinical findings on the potential of cannabinoids as novel therapeutics for regulating fear and anxiety. Recent Findings : Evidence from preclinical studies has shown that the non-psychotropic phyto-cannabinoid cannabidiol and the endocannabinoid anandamide have acute anxiolytic effects and also regulate learned fear [...]

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Regulation of nausea and vomiting by cannabinoids, Linda A Parker et al., 2011

Regulation of nausea and vomiting by cannabinoids Linda A Parker, Erin M Rock and Cheryl L Limebeer British Journal of Pharmacology, 2011, 163, 1411-1422. Doi : 10.1111/j.1476-5381.2010.01176.x   Abstract Considerable evidence demonstrates that manipulation of the endocannabinoid system regulates nausea and vomiting in humans and other animals. The anti-emetic effect of cannabinoids has been shown across a wide variety of animals that are capable of vomiting in response to a toxic challenge. CB1 agonism suppresses vomiting, which is reversed by CB1 antagonism, and CB1 inverse agonism promotes vomiting. Recently, evidence from animal experiments suggests that cannabinoids may be especially useful in treating the more difficult to control [...]

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The cannabinoids : An overview. Therapeutic implications in vomiting and nausea after cancer chemotherapy, in appetite promotion, in multiple sclerosis and in neuroprotection, R. Mechoulam & L. Hanus, 2001

The cannabinoids : An overview. Therapeutic implications in vomiting and nausea after cancer chemotherapy, in appetite promotion, in multiple sclerosis and in neuroprotection R. Mechoulam PhD, L Hanušs PhD Pain Research Management, 2001, 6, (2), 67-73. Doi : 10.1155/2001/183057   The present paper describes the historical use of cannabis, starting with its use in Assyria and China. Recent advances in the understanding of the molecular basis of cannabis action are explained, including the identification of the cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2, as well as the isolation of endogenous cannabinoids from the brain and periphery. The use of delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol as an antivomiting and antinausea drug for cancer [...]

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Regulation of nausea and vomiting by cannabinoids and the endocannabinoid system, Keith A. Sharkey et al., 2014

Regulation of nausea and vomiting by cannabinoids and the endocannabinoid system Keith A. Sharkey, Nissar A. Darmani, and Linda A. Parker European Journal of Pharmacology, 2014 January 5; 722. doi : 10.1016/j.ejphar.2013.09.068.   Abstract Nausea and vomiting (emesis) are important elements in defensive or protective responses that animals use to avoid ingestion or digestion of potentially harmful substances. However, these neurally-mediated responses are at times manifested as symptoms of disease and they are frequently observed as side-effects of a variety of medications, notably those used to treat cancer. Cannabis has long been known to limit or prevent nausea and vomiting from a variety of causes.This has [...]

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A reliable and validated LC-MS/MS method for the simultaneous quantification of 4 cannabinoids in 40 consumer products, Qingfang Meng et al., 2018

A reliable and validated LC-MS/MS method for the simultaneous quantification of 4 cannabinoids in 40 consumer products Qingfang Meng, Beth Buchanan, Jonathan Zuccolo, Mathieu-Marc Poulin, Joseph Gabriele, David Charles Baranowski PLoS ONE, 2018, 13, (5), e0196396.   Abstract In the past 50 years, Cannabis sativa (C. sativa) has gone from a substance essentially prohibited worldwide to one that is gaining acceptance both culturally and legally in many countries for medicinal and recreational use. As additional jurisdictions legalize Cannabis products and the variety and complexity of these products surpass the classical dried plant material, appropriate methods for measuring the biologically active constituents is paramount to ensure [...]

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IACM-Bulletin du 13 Janvier 2020

IACM-Bulletin du 13 Janvier 2020 Italie: Selon la Haute Cour, cultiver de petites quantités de cannabis à la maison n'est pas un crime Science/Homme: L'apport oral de graisse peut augmenter de deux fois la biodisponibilité systémique du THC Science/Homme: L'exercice a réduit le nombre de maux de tête et les niveaux d'anandamide chez les personnes souffrant de migraine Science/Homme: Selon une enquête les patients atteints du syndrome de la Tourette préfèrent le cannabis médical au THC pur et au Sativex En bref Un coup d'œil sur le passé Italie: Selon la [...]

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Cannabis: des députés lancent une mission pour “dépassionner” le débat, par AFP le 14.01.2020

Cannabis: des députés lancent une mission pour "dépassionner" le débat Par AFP le 14.01.2020 à 18h57 Sciences et Avenir Une mission d'information parlementaire sur le cannabis a officiellement lancé ses travaux autour de l'usage récréatif ou thérapeutique Une mission d’information parlementaire sur le cannabis a officiellement lancé ses travaux mardi dans l'espoir de "dépassionner" le débat, récurrent en France, autour de son usage récréatif ou thérapeutique. "Il y a une urgence du sujet car notre pays a une législation sur les usages de stupéfiants assez répressive" mais "c'est en France où l'on en consomme le plus", a déclaré le député LR Robin Reda, président de [...]

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Cannabis thérapeutique : la France tente l’expérience, Le Quotidien du Pharmacien, Damien Coulomb, 06/01/2020

Cannabis thérapeutique : la France tente l’expérience Le Quotidien du Pharmacien, 6 janvier 2020 - N°3567 By Damien Coulomb   Le 3 décembre dernier, les députés adoptaient définitivement la loi de financement de la sécurité sociale 2020. Un des amendements du texte, proposé par le député de l'Isère Olivier Véran, inscrit dans la loi l’expérimentation du cannabis thérapeutique dans le traitement d’un certain nombre d’indications. À partir du premier semestre 2020, les patients Français pourront se voir prescrire du cannabis thérapeutique dans le cadre d’une expérimentation de 2 ans.Selon le descriptif fourni par le comité scientifique spécialisé temporaire (CSST) rassemblé par l’Agence nationale de [...]

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Regular Cannabis Use Linked to Cardiac Abnormalities, Fran Lowry, Medscape, 2019.

Regular Cannabis Use Linked to Cardiac Abnormalities Fran Lowry Medscape - Dec 30, 2019. Regular recreational use of cannabis is associated with potentially adverse features of left ventricular size and subclinical impairment of left ventricular function, compared with rare or no cannabis use, an observational study concludes. Previous use of recreational cannabis was not associated with such features, suggesting that any deleterious effects may not be permanent. "These are early data which included a relatively small group of regular cannabis users, and the changes we detected were subtle," lead author Mohammed Y. Khanji, MBBCh, PhD, William Harvey Research Institute, NIHR Barts Biomedical Center, Queen Mary University of London, and [...]

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Cannabis Use Rising Faster Among Depressed Americans, Lisa Rapaport, Medscape, 2019.

Cannabis Use Rising Faster Among Depressed Americans Lisa Rapaport  Medscape - Dec 26, 2019. (Reuters Health) - Regular cannabis use has risen more quickly among people with depression, and they're less likely to perceive it as risky, compared with people who aren't depressed, a U.S. study suggests. Researchers examined data collected from a total of almost 729,000 people aged 12 years and older between 2005 and 2017, including any prior-month cannabis use and any depression experienced over the previous year. By the final year of the study, about 19% of people with depression reported at least some cannabis use, compared with 8.7% of individuals without a recent history of [...]

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