Les interactions CBD / médicaments Posté le 6 avril 2020 par Swiss Medical Cannabis Depuis l’augmentation de sa demande, le cannabidiol (CBD) attire significativement l’attention sur son potentiel à soulager les symptômes de l’insomnie, de l’anxiété, de la douleur chronique et d’une foule d’autres problèmes de santé. Les recherches menées à ce jour démontrent progressivement que le CBD est d’une grande sécurité d’emploi même à forte dose et peu d’effets secondaires, somme toute mineurs. Toutefois, il existe une mise en garde : le CBD peut interagir avec certains médicaments. L’interrogation porte ainsi sur la façon dont le corps métabolise certaines substances. Avant de [...]
Lire la suiteThe Impact of Cannabidiol on Psychiatric and Medical Conditions Thersilla Oberbarnscheidt, Norman S. Miller Journal of Clinical and Medical Research, 2020, 12, (7), 393-403. Doi : 10.14740/jocmr4159 Abstract Cannabidiol (CBD) is a substance chemically derived from Cannabis sativa and discussed to be non-psychoactive. According to the FDA, marijuana is classified as a schedule I substance; however, hemp which is defined as extracts from marijuana including cannabinoids containing less than 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), is excluded from that controlled substance act and available at local convenience stores in the US as it is seen as an herbal supplement. CBD is purported to be used for various medical [...]
Lire la suiteCannabis for Migraine Strongly Linked to Rebound Headache, Megan Brooks, Medscape Medical News, 2021
Cannabis for Migraine Strongly Linked to Rebound Headache Megan Brooks Medscape Medical News © March 09, 2021 Patients with chronic migraine who turn to cannabis to relieve headache pain may be setting themselves up for medication overuse headache, preliminary research suggests, although the direction of the relationship is unclear. Researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California, found a significant increase in the likelihood of medication overuse headache (rebound headache) in chronic migraine patients who use cannabis. Dr Niushen Zhang "This study shows that there is some kind of association between cannabis use and medication overuse headache in people with chronic migraine," lead investigator Niushen Zhang, MD, [...]
Lire la suiteCannabidiol as an Intervention for Addictive Behaviors : A Systematic Review of the Evidence Mélissa Prud’homme, Romulus Cata and Didier Jutras-Aswad Substance Abuse : Research and Treatment, 2015, 9, 33-38. doi : 10.4137/SART.S25081. Abstract : Drug addiction is a chronically relapsing disorder characterized by the compulsive desire to use drugs and a loss of control over consumption. Cannabidiol (CBD), the second most abundant component of cannabis, is thought to modulate various neuronal circuits involved in drug addiction. The goal of this systematic review is to summarize the available preclinical and clinical data on the impact of CBD on addictive behaviors. MEDLINE and PubMed were searched [...]
Lire la suiteNeuroprotection Following Concussion : The Potential Role for Cannabidiol Jyotpal Singh, John Patrick Neary Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences, 2020, 1–12 doi : 10.1017/cjn.2020.23 ABSTRACT : Cannabidiol (CBD) has been generating increasing interest in medicine due to its therapeutic properties and an apparent lack of negative side effects. Research has suggested that high dosages of CBD can be taken acutely and chronically with little to no risk. This review focuses on the neuroprotective effects of a CBD, with an emphasis on its implications for recovering from a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) or concussion. CBD has been shown to influence the endocannabinoid system, both by [...]
Lire la suiteAdd-On Cannabidiol Treatment for Drug-Resistant Seizures in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex. A Placebo-Controlled Randomized Clinical Trial Elizabeth A. Thiele, MD, PhD; E. Martina Bebin, MD, MPA; Hari Bhathal, MD; Floor E. Jansen, MD; Katarzyna Kotulska, MD, PhD; John A. Lawson, BMed, PhD; Finbar J. O'Callaghan, MBChB, PhD; MichaelWong,MD, PhD; Farhad Sahebkar, MD; Daniel Checketts, MSc; Volker Knappertz, MD; for the GWPCARE6 Study Group JAMA Neurology, 2020, December 21 online, E1-E7. doi : 10.1001/jamaneurol.2020.4607 IMPORTANCE : Efficacy of cannabidiol has been demonstrated in seizures associated with Lennox-Gastaut and Dravet syndromes but appears not yet to have been established in conditions with primarily focal seizures, such as [...]
Lire la suiteCannabis and Cannabinoids: Weighing the Benefits and Risks in Psychiatric Patients Diana M. Martinez, MD Medscape .com, December 18, 2020 This transcript has been edited for clarity. Hello. I'm Diana Martinez. I'm a psychiatrist at the Columbia University Medical Center in the Department of Psychiatry. Today we'll be talking about the interaction between cannabis and psychiatric disorders. When I say "cannabis," this is really the same as marijuana. I use the term "cannabis" because this is a scientific term for the plant. I'm going to start with a brief history of cannabis. It’s been used for centuries in India as both an intoxicant and a [...]
Lire la suiteNouvelle classification du cannabis : le service minimum de la Commission des stupéfiants de l’ONU par L630 | Déc 2, 2020 | Communiqué https://l630.org/nouvelle-classification-du-cannabis-le-service-minimum-de-la-commission-des-stupefiants-de-lonu/ Ce 12 décembre, la Commission des stupéfiants des Nations-Unies a décidé de modifier la classification du cannabis au sein des conventions internationales. Le cannabis n’est plus classé comme un stupéfiant du tableau IV, c’est-à-dire ayant un potentiel d’abus fort et des effets nocifs importants, sans valeur thérapeutique notable. L630 réagit. COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE. L630 se félicite de la décision de la Commission des Stupéfiants des Nations-Unies de retirer le cannabis du tableau des stupéfiants sans intérêt médical. Cette décision [...]
Lire la suiteLe CBD enfin légal ? La décision de la Cour européenne sur l’affaire Kanavape est une claque pour la France par L630 | Nov 19, 2020 | Actualité juridique, Communiqué https://l630.org/le-cbd-enfin-legal-la-decision-de-la-cour-europeenne-sur-laffaire-kanavape-est-une-claque-pour-la-france/ Paris, le 19 novembre 2020. Nous apprenons à l’instant la publication de la décision de la Cour de Justice de l’Union Européenne à propos de l’affaire dite Kanavape. C’est une victoire retentissante pour les demandeurs (Antonin Cohen et Sébastien Béguerie). L630 salue cette décision qui confirme sa position historique. La Cour de Justice de l’Union Européenne conclut à la réaffirmation du principe de libre circulation des marchandises et des biens, autorisant donc [...]
Lire la suiteCannabidiol (CBD) le point sur la législation Publié le 24/11/2020 Le 19 novembre 2020, la Cour de justice de l’Union Européenne (CJUE) a rendu son arrêt dans l’affaire C-663/18, dite Kanavape. La Cour était saisie d’une question préjudicielle par la Cour d’Appel d’Aix en Provence portant sur la conformité au droit de l’Union européenne de l’article 1er de l’arrêté du 22 août 1990 qui limite la culture, l’importation et l’utilisation industrielle et commerciale du chanvre aux seules fibres et graines de la plante et interdit de ce fait l’importation et la commercialisation d’e-liquide pour cigarette électronique contenant de l’huile de cannabidiol [...]
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