Related Symptoms in People With Multiple Sclerosis : Results From a Retrospective Multicenter Study Francesco Patti, Clara Grazia Chisari, Claudio Solaro, Maria Donata Benedetti , Eliana Berra , Assunta Bianco, Roberto Bruno Bossio, Fabio Buttari, Letizia Castelli, Paola Cavalla , Raffaella Cerqua, Gianfranco Costantino, Claudio Gasperini, Angelica Guareschi, Domenico Ippolito, Roberta Lanzillo, Giorgia Teresa Maniscalco, Manuela Matta, Damiano Paolicelli, Loredana Petrucci, Simona Pontecorvo, Isabella Righini, Margherita Russo, Francesco Saccà, Giovanna Salamone, Elisabetta Signoriello, Gabriella Spinicci, Daniele Spitaleri, Eleonora Tavazzi, Maria Trotta, Mauro Zaffaroni, Mario Zappia, SA.FE. group Doi : 10.1007/s10072-020-04413-6 Abstract Introduction : The approval of 9-δ-tetrahydocannabinol (THC)+cannabidiol (CBD) oromucosal spray (Sativex®) in Italy as an add-on medication for the management of moderate to severe spasticity in multiple sclerosis (MS) has provided a new opportunity for MS patients with drug-resistant spasticity. We aimed [...]
Lire la suiteThe Therapeutic Effectiveness of Full Spectrum Hemp Oil Using a Chronic Neuropathic Pain Model Jacob M. Vigil, Marena A. Montera, Nathan S. Pentkowski, Jegason P. Diviant, Joaquin Orozco, Anthony L. Ortiz, Lawrence J. Rael and Karin N. Westlund Life, 2020, 10, 69, 1-12 doi : 10.3390/life10050069 Abstract : Background : Few models exist that can control for placebo and expectancy effects commonly observed in clinical trials measuring ‘Cannabis’ pharmacodynamics. We used the Foramen Rotundum Inflammatory Constriction Trigeminal Infraorbital Nerve injury (FRICT-ION) model to measure the effect of “full-spectrum” whole plant extracted hemp oil on chronic neuropathic pain sensitivity in mice. Methods : Male BALBc mice were [...]
Lire la suiteSARS-CoV2 induced respiratory distress : Can cannabinoids be added to anti-viral therapies to reduce lung inflammation ? Siddappa N. Byrareddy, Mahesh Mohan Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 2020, 1-2. doi : 10.1016/j.bbi.2020.04.079 Keywords : SARS-CoV2, Rhesus macaque, Cannabinoids, Inflammation, Cytokine, Lung Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19), caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronoavirus-2 (SARS-CoV2) has emerged as a global pandemic, which was first reported in Wuhan, China. Recent reports have suggested that acute infection is associated with a cytokine superstorm, which contributes to the symptoms of fever, cough, muscle pain and in severe cases bilateral interstitial pneumonia characterized by ground glass opacity and focal chest infiltrates that can [...]
Lire la suitePrescription of a THC/CBD-Based Medication to Patients with Dementia : A Pilot Study in Geneva Barbara Broers, Zacharie Patà, Aline Mina, James Wampfler, Christian de Saussure, Sophie Pautex Medical Cannabis & Cannabinoids, 2019, 2, 56–59 Doi : 10.1159/000498924 Abstract Background : Dementia is increasing worldwide. No effective medication is currently available for the treatment of the underlying disease and accompanying behavioral symptoms. Cannabinoids might have a beneficial effect, but clinical studies with (low-dose) synthetic THC have not been conclusive. Objective : To test the acceptability, practical aspects, and clinical outcomes of the introduction of a THC/ CBD-based oral medication in severely demented patients in a specialized [...]
Lire la suiteDeveloping Robust Standardised Analytical Procedures for Cannabinoid Quantification : Laying the Foundations for an Emerging Cannabis-Based Pharmaceutical Industry Matthew T. Welling, Lei Liu, Arno Hazekamp, Ashley Dowell, Graham J. King Medical Cannabis & Cannabinoids, 2019, 2, 1–13 Doi : 10.1159/000496868 Abstract The plant genus Cannabis is a prolific producer of unique pharmaceutically relevant metabolites, commonly referred to as cannabinoids. Robust and standardised methods for the quantification of cannabinoids within botanical and drug forms is a critical step forward for an emerging Cannabis- based pharmaceutical industry, which is poised for rapid expansion. Despite a growing body of analytical methods for the quantification of cannabinoids, few have [...]
Lire la suiteA Phase 1, Randomised, Placebo-Controlled, Dose Escalation Study to Investigate the Safety, Tolerability and Pharmacokinetics of Cannabidiol in Fed Healthy Volunteers Daniel Perkins · Juliet Butler · Katherine Ong · Tri‑Hung Nguyen · Susan Cox · Barbara Francis · Michelle Mcintosh · Brian Lilley European Journal of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics, 2020, Doi : 10.1007/s13318-020-00624-6 Abstract Background : There is increasing interest in the use of purified cannabidiol (CBD) as a treatment for a wide range of conditions due to its reported anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic, antiemetic and anticonvulsant properties. Objective : The objective of this study was to assess the [...]
Lire la suiteThe 2nd International Annual Congress on Controversies on Cannabis-Based Medicines (Med-Cannabis 2019) Barcelona, Spain, May 23–24, 2019 Abstracts Congress Chairs: Prof. Dr. Med. Winfried Häuser, Klinikum Saarbrücken, Germany Dr. Silviu Brill, Tel Aviv Medical Center, Israel Medical Cannabis & Cannabinoids, 2019, 2, 69–83 Published online: May 13, 2019 Doi : 10.1159/000500623 KRAGER : Basel · Freiburg · Paris · London · New York · Chennai · New Delhi · Bangkok · Beijing · Shanghai · Tokyo · Kuala Lumpur · Singapore · Sydney © 2019 The Author(s) Published by S. Karger AG, Basel E-Mail P-01 Cannabis and Metals: Soils Need to be Controlled Yann Barguil , Laura Chiaradia Biochemistry and Toxicology Laboratory, Gaston Bourret Territorial Hospital [...]
Lire la suiteEuro consortium will submit consolidated Novel Food application HempToday® May 5, 2020 A consortium led by the European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA), will resort to the current EU food safety approval process for hemp foods and extracts while continuing to challenge those rules.Stakeholders in the consortium, which is being organized as a limited liability company, EIHA projects GmbH, disagree with changes made in January 2019 to the EU’s Novel Food catalogue which re-classified hemp leaves and flowers as well as extracts derived from those plant parts – including CBD – as Novel Foods.But with EU officials and some Member States failing to [...]
Lire la suiteEffet d’entourage contre douleur neuropathique Publié le 22 Mai 2020 Cette huile de cannabidiol est efficace contre la douleur neuropathique chronique, conclut cette étude pré-clinique de l’University of New Mexico (UNM). L’étude présentée dans la revue Life suggère que l’huile permet de diviser par 10 la sensibilité à la douleur mécanique et pendant plusieurs heures. Ici chez la souris modèle de douleur neuropathique postopératoire chronique. Ces données présentées dans la revue Life illustrent ce que les experts nomment l’effet d’entourage ou l’action synergique de différents composés du cannabis qui apporte cet effet thérapeutique. Dans cette expérience, il s’agit d’une huile de cannabis contenant [...]
Lire la suiteAltered dopamine D3 receptor gene expression in MAM model of schizophrenia is reversed by peripubertal cannabidiol treatment Tibor Stark, Martina Di Bartolomeo, Roberta Di Marco, Eva Drazanova, Chiara Bianca Maria Platania, Fabio Arturo Iannotti, Jana Ruda-Kucerova, Claudio D'Addario, Lucie Kratka, Vladimir Pekarik, Fabiana Piscitelli, Zuzana Babinska, Julia Fedotova, Giovanni Giurdanella, Salvatore Salomone, Alexandra Sulcova, Claudio Bucolo, Carsten T.Wotjak, Zenon Starcuk Jr, Filippo Drago, Raphael Mechoulam, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Vincenzo Micale Biochemical Pharmacology, April 2020, 1-12. doi : 10.1016/j.bcp.2020.114004 Un excellent article international (République Tchèque, Allemagne, Italy, Russie, Israel, Canada), avec la plus grande plume de la recherche sur les cannabinoïdes (Mechoulam, Di Marzo...) qui [...]
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