Changes in inflammatory biomarkers are related to the antidepressant effects of Ayahuasca Nicole Leite Galvão-Coelho, Ana Cecília de Menezes Galvão, Raíssa Nóbrega de Almeida, Fernanda Palhano-Fontes, Isaac Campos Braga, Bruno Lobão Soares, João Paulo Maia-de-Oliveira, Daniel Perkins, Jerome Sarris and Draulio Barros de Araujo Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2020, 1-9. DOI : 10.1177/0269881120936486 Abstract Background : Ayahuasca is a traditional Amazon brew and its potential antidepressant properties have recently been explored in scientific settings. We conducted a double-blind placebo-controlled trial of ayahuasca with treatment-resistant depression patients (n = 28) and healthy controls (n = 45). Aims : We are evaluating the blood inflammatory biomarkers: C-reactive protein and [...]
Lire la suiteNeuroprotection Following Concussion : The Potential Role for Cannabidiol Jyotpal Singh, John Patrick Neary Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences, 2020, 1–12 doi : 10.1017/cjn.2020.23 ABSTRACT : Cannabidiol (CBD) has been generating increasing interest in medicine due to its therapeutic properties and an apparent lack of negative side effects. Research has suggested that high dosages of CBD can be taken acutely and chronically with little to no risk. This review focuses on the neuroprotective effects of a CBD, with an emphasis on its implications for recovering from a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) or concussion. CBD has been shown to influence the endocannabinoid system, both by [...]
Lire la suiteReviewing the Potential of Psychedelics for the Treatment of PTSD Erwin Krediet, Tijmen Bostoen, Joost Breeksema, Annette van Schagen, Torsten Passie, Eric Vermetten International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2020, 23, (6), 385–400 doi : 10.1093/ijnp/pyaa018 Abstract There are few medications with demonstrated efficacy for the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Treatment guidelines have unequivocally designated psychotherapy as a first line treatment for PTSD. Yet, even after psychotherapy, PTSD often remains a chronic illness, with high rates of psychiatric and medical comorbidity. Meanwhile, the search for and development of drugs with new mechanisms of action has stalled. Therefore, there is an urgent need to explore not [...]
Lire la suiteAdd-On Cannabidiol Treatment for Drug-Resistant Seizures in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex. A Placebo-Controlled Randomized Clinical Trial Elizabeth A. Thiele, MD, PhD; E. Martina Bebin, MD, MPA; Hari Bhathal, MD; Floor E. Jansen, MD; Katarzyna Kotulska, MD, PhD; John A. Lawson, BMed, PhD; Finbar J. O'Callaghan, MBChB, PhD; MichaelWong,MD, PhD; Farhad Sahebkar, MD; Daniel Checketts, MSc; Volker Knappertz, MD; for the GWPCARE6 Study Group JAMA Neurology, 2020, December 21 online, E1-E7. doi : 10.1001/jamaneurol.2020.4607 IMPORTANCE : Efficacy of cannabidiol has been demonstrated in seizures associated with Lennox-Gastaut and Dravet syndromes but appears not yet to have been established in conditions with primarily focal seizures, such as [...]
Lire la suiteCannabis and Cannabinoids: Weighing the Benefits and Risks in Psychiatric Patients Diana M. Martinez, MD Medscape .com, December 18, 2020 This transcript has been edited for clarity. Hello. I'm Diana Martinez. I'm a psychiatrist at the Columbia University Medical Center in the Department of Psychiatry. Today we'll be talking about the interaction between cannabis and psychiatric disorders. When I say "cannabis," this is really the same as marijuana. I use the term "cannabis" because this is a scientific term for the plant. I'm going to start with a brief history of cannabis. It’s been used for centuries in India as both an intoxicant and a [...]
Lire la suiteBibliographie : Cannabinoïdes synthétiques et Néocannabinoïdes Dr Christian Sueur, GRECC, décembre 2020 Définitions et Usages des cannabinoïdes synthétiques : 2 - 6 Toxicologie des cannabinoïdes synthétiques : 7– 12 Cannabinoïdes synthétiques et psychose : 11 - 12 Pharmacologie des cannabinoïdes synthétiques : 13 - 16 Neurophysiologie des cannabinoïdes synthétiques : 17 -18 Analyse des cannabinoïdes synthétiques : 18 - 19 Usage médical des cannabinoïdes synthétiques : 20 – 22 Rimonabant : 21 -22
Lire la suiteBIBLIOGRAPHIE : Thérapies Psychédéliques. Docteur Christian SUEUR, GRECC, version actualisée, décembre 2020. Addictions et thérapies psychédéliques : pp 23 – 29 Cf également Bibliographie : Microdosing psychédéliques, Dr C. Sueur, GRECC, février 2020.)
Lire la suiteThe potential synergistic effects between psychedelic administration and nature contact for the improvement of mental health Sam Gandy, Matthias Forstmann, Robin Lester Carhart-Harris, Christopher Timmermann, David Luke and Rosalind Watts Health Psychology Open, 2020, 1–21 Doi : 10.1177/2055102920978123 Abstract Therapeutic psychedelic administration and contact with nature have been associated with the same psychological mechanisms : decreased rumination and negative affect, enhanced psychological connectedness and mindfulness related capacities, and heightened states of awe and transcendent experiences, all processes linked to improvements in mental health amongst clinical and healthy populations. Nature-based settings can have inherently psychologically soothing properties which may complement all stages of psychedelic therapy (mainly [...]
Lire la suiteEffects of external stimulation on psychedelic state neurodynamics Pedro A.M. Mediano, Fernando E. Rosas, Christopher Timmermann, Leor Roseman, David J. Nutt, Amanda Feilding, Mendel Kaelen, Morten L. Kringelbach, Adam B. Barretti, Anil K. Seth, Suresh Muthukumaraswamy, Daniel Bor, and Robin L. Carhart-Harris bioRxiv preprint, 2020 doi : 10.1101/2020.11.01.356071 Abstract Recent findings have shown that psychedelics reliably enhance brain entropy (understood as neural signal diversity), and this effect has been associated with both acute and long-term psychological outcomes such as personality changes. These findings are particularly intriguing given that a decrease of brain entropy is a robust indicator of loss of consciousness (e.g. from wakefulness to [...]
Lire la suiteEntre confinement et répression : comment les usagers de cannabis se sont organisés Raphaël Carrez & Fabienne Lopez Psychotropes, 2020, 26, (2-3), 165-1783. Introduction L’association Principes Actifs milite pour la reconnaissance légale de l’usage thérapeutique du cannabis en France depuis sa création en 2009. Nous fournissons conseils et informations aux personnes atteintes d’affections diverses qui nous contactent. En 2014, nous avons mis en place des « ateliers de réduction des risques cannabis » à destination des structures d’addictologie, des professionnels de santé et des associations de patients, afin de présenter l’usage thérapeutique dans toutes ses spécificités. L’association participe depuis fin 2019 au comité de pilotage instauré par [...]
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