Auteur/autrice : GRECC

Oral Cannabidiol Does Not Convert to Δ8-THC or Δ9-THC in Humans : A Pharmacokinetic Study in Healthy Subjects, Jose´ Alexandre S. Crippa et al., 2019

Oral Cannabidiol Does Not Convert to Δ8-THC or Δ9-THC in Humans : A Pharmacokinetic Study in Healthy Subjects Jose´ Alexandre S. Crippa, Antonio Waldo Zuardi, Jaime Eduardo Cecılio Hallak, Bruna Miyazawa, Sandra Aparecido Bernardo, Carmem Maria Donaduzzi, Silvane Guzzi, Wagner Alex Jann Favreto, Alline Campos, Maria Eugenia C. Queiroz, Francisco S. Guimaraes, Patrıcia Moura da Rosa Zimmermann, Letıcia Mello Rechia, Volnei Jose Tondo Filho, and Liberato Brum Junior Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, 2019, Volume X, Number X DOI: 10.1089/can.2019.0024   Abstract Introduction: Recent studies have suggested that cannabidiol (CBD) could interconvert into Delta-8- and Delta-9- tetrahydrocannabinol. Materials and Methods: Thus, we tested the plasma samples of 120 healthy [...]

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Comparison of the Neurotoxic and Seizure-Inducing Effects of Synthetic and Endogenous Cannabinoids with Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol

Comparison of the Neurotoxic and Seizure-Inducing Effects of Synthetic and Endogenous Cannabinoids with Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Chris S. Breivogel, Jacob R. Wells, Amreen Jonas, Artik H. Mistry, Morgan L. Gravley, Rajul M. Patel, Brianna E. Whithorn, and Bonnie M. Brenseke Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, 2019, Volume X, Number X DOI: 10.1089/can.2019.0003 Abstract Introduction : Synthetic cannabinoids (SCs) are commonly found in preparations used as recreational drugs. Although severe adverse health effects are not generally associated with cannabis use, a rising number of studies document seizures and even death after SC use. In this study, a mouse model is used to investigate the hypothesis that SCs are more [...]

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2-Linoleoylglycerol Is a Partial Agonist of the Human Cannabinoid Type 1 Receptor that Can Suppress 2-Arachidonolyglycerol and Anandamide Activity, Leanne Lu et al., 2019

2-Linoleoylglycerol Is a Partial Agonist of the Human Cannabinoid Type 1 Receptor that Can Suppress 2-Arachidonolyglycerol and Anandamide Activity Leanne Lu, Gareth Williams, and Patrick Doherty Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, 2019, Volume X, Number X Doi : 10.1089/can.2019.0030 Abstract Introduction : The cannabinoid type 1 (CB1) receptor and cannabinoid type 2 (CB2) receptor are widely expressed in the body and anandamide (AEA) and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) are their best characterized endogenous ligands. The diacylglycerol lipases (diacylglycerol lipase alpha and diacyl-glycerol lipase beta) not only synthesize essentially all the 2-AG in the body but also generate other monoacylglycerols, including 2-linoleoylglycerol (2-LG). This lipid has been proposed to modulate endocannabinoid [...]

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Receptor-Enriched Analysis of functional connectivity by targets (REACT) : A novel, multimodal analytical approach informed by PET to study the pharmacodynamic response of the brain under MDMA, Ottavia Dipasquale et al., 2019

Receptor-Enriched Analysis of functional connectivity by targets (REACT) : A novel, multimodal analytical approach informed by PET to study the pharmacodynamic response of the brain under MDMA Ottavia Dipasquale, Pierluigi Selvaggi, Mattia Veronese, Anthony S. Gabay, Federico Turkheimer, Mitul A. Mehta NeuroImage, 2019, 195, 252–260   A B S T R A C T One of the main limitations of pharmacological fMRI is its inability to provide a molecular insight into the main effect of compounds, leaving an open question about the relationship between drug effects and haemodynamic response. The aim of this study is to investigate the acute effects of 3,4-methylene-dioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) on functional [...]

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Psilocybin exerts distinct effects on resting state networks 1 associated with serotonin and dopamine in mice, Joanes Grandjean et al., 2019

Psilocybin exerts distinct effects on resting state networks 1 associated with serotonin and dopamine in mice Joanes Grandjean, David Buehlmann, Michaela Buerge, Hannes Sigrist, Erich Seifritz, Franz X. Vollenweider, Christopher R. Pryce, Markus Rudin Preprint · September 2019 Doi : 10.1101/751255   Abstract Hallucinogenic agents have been proposed as potent antidepressants; this includes the serotonin (5-HT) receptor 2A agonist psilocybin. In human subjects, psilocybin alters functional connectivity (FC) within the default-mode network (DMN), a constellation of inter-connected regions that is involved in self-reference and displays altered FC in depressive disorders. In this study we investigated the effects of psilocybin on FC in the analogue of the [...]

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The Role of MDMA Neurotoxicity in Anxiety, Casey R. Guillot et al., 2007

The Role of MDMA Neurotoxicity in Anxiety Casey R. Guillot, Mitchell E. Berman and Brenton R. Abadie In : Neurotoxicity Syndromes, Chapter I ISBN: 978-1-60021-797-5 Editor: Linda R. Webster, pp. 1 - 36 © 2007 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Abstract The drug 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA; Ecstasy) long has been considered a neurotoxin selective for serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; 5-HT) axons in rats and nonhuman primates. MDMA is also thought to have the potential to cause persistent serotonergic alterations in humans. Since the serotonin system is involved in the regulation of anxiety, researchers have proposed that recreational Ecstasy users may be at risk for the development of anxiety disorders and symptoms. [...]

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Du cannabis dans le PLFSS, Benoît Thelliez, 2019

Du cannabis dans le PLFSS Le député Olivier Véran (LREM, Isère) va défendre un amendement introduisant une expérimentation du cannabis thérapeutique. © FOTOLIA_FABIOBERTI.IT Les choses se pré­cisent. Après que l'Agence na­tio­nale de sé­cu­rité du mé­di­ca­ment et des pro­duits de santé (ANSM) a sous­crit, dé­but juillet 2019, aux pro­po­si­tions du co­mité scien­ti­fique spé­cia­lisé tem­po­raire sur le cadre pra­tique de l’ac­cès au can­na­bis à vi­sée thé­ra­peu­tique en vue d’une ex­pé­ri­men­ta­tion en France, c'est dé­sor­mais le cadre lé­gal qui va être dis­cuté à l'As­sem­blée na­tio­nale. In­vité à l'an­tenne de RTL, le neu­ro­logue et dé­puté de la ma­jo­rité, Oli­vier Vé­ran, a ainsi ex­pli­qué qu'il al­lait pré­sen­ter et dé­fendre un amen­de­ment au pro­jet de loi de fi­nan­ce­ment de la sé­cu­rité so­ciale (PLFSS) pour 2020 vi­sant à mettre en place, au plus vite, une ex­pé­ri­men­ta­tion en mi­lieu hos­pi­ta­lier. Se­lon ses dires, elle de­vrait concer­ner « en­vi­ron 3 000 ma­lades » qui se­ront « sui­vis par des [...]

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A History of Drug Use : Mind-Altering Drugs in Social Context, Eric Shepperd, 2017

A History of Drug Use : Mind-Altering Drugs in Social Context Eric Shepperd January 21, 2017, 26 p.   It seems that an intrinsic property of consciousness is a desire to alter itself. The natural world is full of tools for changing the functioning of the mind, and both humans and nonhuman animals have used many different drugs throughout history. Some are derived directly from plant or animal sources, while others are refined extracts, or synthesized by purely chemical methods. Many of the drugs in use today are applied primarily for physiologically therapeutic purposes, while others have primarily psychological components, or a combination thereof. Psychoactive [...]

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La recherche sur les microdoses de substances psychédéliques. James Fadiman, Sophie Korbe et les “micro-doses”, Vittorio Biancardi, 2017

La recherche sur les microdoses de substances psychédéliques. James Fadiman, Sophie Korbe et les « micro-doses » Vittorio Biancardi Chimères, 2017/1 N° 91 | pages 139 à148 Les programmes de recherche qui ont été menés légalement sur des dizaines de milliers de patients, à partir de la moitié du vingtième siècle, ont démontré qu’un usage soigneusement réduit de lsd peut se révéler efficace contre certaines psychopathologies, et bénéfique pour le développement personnel et spirituel. En outre, de récentes études ont mis en évidence que la prise de petites doses de lsd peut permettre entre autres une augmentation des capacités cognitives chez des sujets [...]

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Le microdosage de substances psychédéliques : bref historique et nouveaux axes de recherche, Vittorio Biancardi, 2019

Le microdosage de substances psychédéliques : bref historique et nouveaux axes de recherche Vittorio Biancardi Revue CIRCE, 2019, 11,   Résumé Le micro-dosage est un phénomène social de plus en plus répandu parmi la communauté des consommateurs et consommatrices des substances dites psychédéliques. Il consiste une consommation d’un dixième de la dose typique de substance (principalement LSD ou Psilocybine) de façon fréquente, deux ou trois fois par semaine, pour améliorer les capacités cognitives ou comme auto-thérapie. L’analyse de ce phénomène est actuellement très fragmentaire et inconsistante, tant du point de vue des sciences humaines que du point de vue des sciences dites «dures». L’objectif de [...]

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