Cannabinoids Rescue Cocaine-Induced Seizures by Restoring Brain Glycine Receptor Dysfunction Guichang Zou, Xin Zuo, Kai Chen, ..., Guangming Huang, Dan Liu, Wei Xiong Cell Reports, 2020, 30, 4209–4219 Doi : 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.02.106 In Brief Zou et al. identify the glycine receptor as a potential therapeutic target for cannabinoids in treating cocaine-induced seizures. The function of extra-synaptic glycine receptors in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus is impaired by cocaine and rescued by cannabinoids, therefore leading to the therapeutic effects of cannabinoids in treating cocaine-induced seizures. Highlights Cannabinoids alleviate cocaine-induced seizures (CISs) by glycine receptors (GlyRs) Cannabinoid docking reduces hydrogen-bonding interaction between cocaine and GlyRs The prefrontal cortex and hippocampus [...]
Lire la suiteMedical cannabis and insomnia in older adults with chronic pain: a cross-sectional study Sharon R. Sznitman, Simon Vulfsons, David Meiri, Galit Weinstein BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 2020, 0, 1–6. doi : 10.1136/bmjspcare-2019-001938 Abstract Objectives : Medical cannabis (MC) is increasingly being used for treatment of chronic pain symptoms. Among patients there is also a growing preference for the use of MC to manage sleep problems. The aim of the current study was to examine the associations between use of whole plant cannabis and sleep problems among chronic pain patients. Methods : A total of 128 individuals with chronic pain over the age of 50 years [...]
Lire la suiteWhat does the ecological and epidemiological evidence indicate about the potential for cannabinoids to reduce opioid use and harms ? A comprehensive review Gabrielle Campbell, Wayne Hall and Suzanne Nielsen International Review of Psychiatry, 2018, 1-16. Doi : 10.1080/09540261.2018.1509842 ABSTRACT Pre-clinical research supports that cannabinoids reduce opioid dose requirements, but few studies have tested this in humans. This review evaluates ecological and epidemiological studies that have been cited as evidence that medical cannabis use may reduce opioid use and opioidrelated harms. Medline and Embase were searched for relevant articles. Data were extracted on study setting, analyses approach, covariates, and outcomes. Eleven ecological and 14 epidemiological [...]
Lire la suiteIl y a urgence à prescrire du cannabis dans les Ehpad Jean-Yves Nau et William Lowenstein — 16 avril 2020 à 10h58 Surconfiner les personnes âgées conduit à une consommation désastreuse de benzodiazépines et d'antalgiques opiacés. C'est oublier les vertus alternatives du cannabis médical. La maniabilité de l'administration du cannabis thérapeutique, notamment sous forme de tisanes, est fort intéressante. | Kimzy Nanney via Unsplash Combien, avant l'épidémie, se souciaient des Ehpad, de leurs résident·es, de leurs soignant·es? Combien étions-nous à connaître la signification de cet étrange acronyme, Établissement d'hébergement pour personnes âgées dépendantes? La progression fulgurante du SARS-CoV-2, quelques reportages, de douloureux témoignages, [...]
Lire la suiteConfinement et cannabis, cachez cette addiction que le gouvernement ne saurait voir Jean-Yves Nau — 2 avril 2020 à 7h00 Tabac, alcool et produits de vapotage n'ont heureusement pas été interdits. Mais il va falloir compter avec les multiples conséquences de la pénurie en cannabis. «Une dépendance grave à une substance licite vaut toujours mieux qu'une dépendance de moindre gravité à une substance interdite», déplore le Dr William Lowenstein, président de SOS Addictions. | realworkhard, ponce_photography et gjbmiller via Pixabay Il croyait très bien faire. Lundi 23 mars, Ziad Khoury, préfet de l'Aisne, prenait un arrêté interdisant toutes les ventes d'alcool à emporter dans l'ensemble du [...]
Lire la suiteCannabis quotidien et autres consommations en période de confinement CANNAVID Etude de l’impact du Covid19 sur les usages, les pratiques et la santé des consommateurs réguliers de cannabis Responsables de la recherche : CSAPA – CAARUD Bus 31/32 Maëla Lebrun Gadelius Plus Belle La Nuit Victor Martin Le Bus 31/32 et Plus Belle La Nuit (PBLN) vous proposent de participer à l’étude intitulée « CANNAVID » : Etude de l’impact du Covid19 sur les usages, les pratiques et la santé des consommateurs réguliers de cannabis. En quoi consiste cette étude ? L’objectif principal de cette recherche est d’évaluer l’impact du confinement dû au Covid19 sur vos consommations de cannabis et sur votre santé. Egalement, [...]
Lire la suiteCannabis use and the course and outcome of major depressive disorder : A population based longitudinal study FEINGOLD D., REHM J., LEV-RAN S. Psychiatry Research, 2017, 251, 225-234. Doi : 10.1016/j.psychres.2017.02.027 Highlights • Individuals with baseline major depressive disorder were followed over a three-year time period. • Cannabis users and individuals with cannabis use disorders were compared to nonusers. • No differences were found in rates of remission between the groups. • Level of cannabis use was associated with significantly more depressive symptoms at follow-up. • These findings did not retain significance after adjusting for baseline confounding factors. Abstract Cannabis use has been reported to affect [...]
Lire la suiteCannabidiol Administered During Peri-Adolescence Prevents Behavioral Abnormalities in an Animal Model of Schizophrenia Fernanda F. Peres, Mariana C. Diana, Raquel Levin, Mayra A. Suiama, Valéria Almeida, Ana M. Vendramini, Camila M. Santos, Antônio W. Zuardi, Jaime E. C. Hallak, José A. Crippa and Vanessa C. Abílio Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2018, 9, article 901. Doi : 10.3389/fphar.2018.00901 Schizophrenia is considered a debilitating neurodevelopmental psychiatric disorder and its pharmacotherapy remains problematic without recent major advances. The development of interventions able to prevent the emergence of schizophrenia would therefore represent an enormous progress. Here, we investigated whether treatment with cannabidiol (CBD – a compound of Cannabis sativa that [...]
Lire la suiteThe origins of cannabis smoking: Chemical residue evidence from the first millennium BCE in the Pamirs Meng Ren, Zihua Tang, Xinhua Wu, Robert Spengler, Hongen Jiang, Yimin Yang, Nicole Boivin Science Advances, 2019, 5, eaaw1391. Doi : 10.1016/sciadv.aaw1391 Cannabis is one of the oldest cultivated plants in East Asia, grown for grain and fiber as well as for recreational, medical, and ritual purposes. It is one of the most widely used psychoactive drugs in the world today, but little is known about its early psychoactive use or when plants under cultivation evolved the phenotypical trait of increased specialized compound production. The archaeological evidence for [...]
Lire la suiteShort-term effects of cannabis consumption on cognitive performance in medical cannabis patients Phillip Olla, Nicholas Rykulski, Jessica L. Hurtubise, Stephen Bartol, Rachel Foote, Laura Cutler, Kaitlyn Abeare, Nora McVinnie, Alana G. Sabelli, Maurissa Hastings, and Laszlo A. Erdodi Applied Neuropsychology : Adult, 2019, 1-11. Doi : 10.1080/23279095.2019.1681424 ABSTRACT This observational study examined the acute cognitive effects of cannabis. We hypothesized that cognitive performance would be negatively affected by acute cannabis intoxication. Twenty-two medical cannabis patients from Southwestern Ontario completed the study. The majority (n¼13) were male. Mean age was 36.0 years, and mean level of education was 13.7 years. Participants were administered the same brief neurocognitive battery three times during [...]
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