AFTERWORD : THE PSYCHEDELIC RESEARCH RENAISSANCE — A REVIEW OF RECENT PSYCHEDELIC PSYCHOTHERAPY RESEARCH L. Jerome, Ph.D., Valerie Mojeiko, Rick Doblin, Ph.D. in "LSD Psychotherapy", Dr Stanislav Grof, 1980, 1994, 2001, 2008, 361-373 MAPS, Ben Lomond, CA, USA It is now 2008, and this is the fourth time that LSD Psychotherapy by Dr. Stanislav Grof has gone to press. Since the third edition was published seven years ago, more progress has been made in the field of psychedelic therapy than in the previous twenty-one years since its original publication. There are currently patients being treated around the globe with psilocybin, MDMA, ibogaine, and soon [...]
Lire la suiteDe la découverte des champignons à psilocybine à la renaissance psychédélique Vincent Verroust Actes du colloque «Sacré végétal - Metz, 8 septembre 2018» Ethnopharmacologia, 2019, n°61, 8-17. Résumé Les substances psychédéliques sont des molécules psychoactives dont les propriétés psychiques n’ont été découvertes et investiguées que relativement récemment dans l’histoire des sciences biomédicales. Nous retracerons l’histoire de la découverte des champignons divinatoires du Mexique et des recherches thérapeutiques qu’elle a suscitées, depuis les années 1950, avec les observations ethnographiques et les collectes des époux Wasson, jusqu’à la « renaissance psychédélique », qui caractérise ces deux dernières décennies marquées par le regain d’intérêt porté à ces substances [...]
Lire la suiteThe experimental effects of psilocybin on symptoms of anxiety and depression : A meta-analysis Simon B. Goldberg, Brian T. Pace, Christopher R. Nicholas, Charles L. Raison, Paul R. Hutson Psychiatry Research, 2020, 284, 112749 Doi : 10.1016/j.psychres.2020.112749 A B S T R A C T The current meta-analysis examined the effects of psilocybin in combination with behavioral interventions on anxiety and depression in samples with elevated symptoms. Across four studies (one uncontrolled; three randomized, placebo-controlled; N = 117), within-group pre-post and pre-follow-up effects on anxiety and depression were large (Hedges’ gs=1.16 to 1.47) and statistically significant. Across three placebo-controlled studies, pre-post placebo-controlled effects were also [...]
Lire la suitePost-acute psychological effects of classical serotonergic psychedelics: a systematic review and meta-analysis Simon B. Goldberg, Benjamin Shechet, Christopher R. Nicholas, Chi Wing Ng, Geetanjali Deole, Zhuofan Chen and Charles L. Raison Psychological Medicine, 2020, 1–12. doi : 10.1017/S003329172000389X Abstract Background. Scientific interest in the therapeutic effects of classical psychedelics has increased in the past two decades. The psychological effects of these substances outside the period of acute intoxication have not been fully characterized. This study aimed to: (1) quantify the effects of psilocybin, ayahuasca, and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) on psychological outcomes in the post-acute period; (2) test moderators of these effects; and (3) evaluate [...]
Lire la suiteAccess to cannabidiol without a prescription : A cross-country comparison and analysis Iain S. McGregor, Elizabeth A. Cairns, Sarah Abelev, Rhys Cohen, Mat Henderson, Daniel Couch, Jonathon C. Arnold, Natalie Gauld International Journal of Drug Policy, 2020, 85, 102935 Doi : 10.1016/j.drugpo.2020.102935 A B S T R A C T Background : Recent legislative change has allowed increased access to cannabis products in many jurisdictions. In some locations, this includes over-the-counter (OTC) and/or online access to products containing cannabidiol (CBD), a non-intoxicating cannabinoid with therapeutic properties. Here we compared the availability of CBD products and the associated legislative and regulatory background in nine selected countries. Methods [...]
Lire la suiteCannabidiol prescription in clinical practice: an audit on the first 400 patients in New Zealand Graham Gulbransen, MBChB, FAChAM, FRNZCGP1*, William Xu2, Bruce Arroll, MBChB, PhD, FRNZCG BJGP Open, 2020, 1-8 DOI : 10.3399/bjgpopen20X101010 Abstract Background : Cannabidiol (CBD) is the non- euphoriant component of cannabis. In 2017, the New Zealand Misuse of Drugs Regulations (1977) were amended, allowing doctors to prescribe CBD. Therapeutic benefit and tolerability of CBD remains unclear. Aim : To review the changes in self- reported quality of life measurements, drug tolerability, and dose- dependent relationships in patients prescribed CBD oil for various conditions at a single institution. Design & setting : An [...]
Lire la suiteCBD (Cannabidiol) Product Attitudes, Knowledge, and Use Among Young Adults Meghann Wheelera, Julie Williams Mertena, Benjamin T Gordonb, and Hanadi Hamadic SUBSTANCE USE & MISUSE, 2020, VOL. 55, NO. 7, 1138–1145 doi : 10.1080/10826084.2020.1729201 ABSTRACT Background : Cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive component of cannabis is marketed as a potential treatment for many conditions and widely available to purchase as a dietary supplement. In 2017, sales of CBD exceeded 820 million dollars despite many unconfirmed health claims, murky legality, and limited product efficacy and safety testing. Purpose/Objectives : This study aims to explore cannabidiol (CBD) knowledge, attitudes, and use among young adults. Methods : The anonymous 36-item survey [...]
Lire la suiteHow Cannabis-Based Therapeutics Could Help Fight COVID Inflammation Liz Scherer, November 03, 2020 Editor's note: Find the latest COVID-19 news and guidance in Medscape's Coronavirus Resource Center. Plagued by false starts, a few dashed hopes, but with perhaps a glimmer of light on the horizon, the race to find an effective treatment for COVID-19 continues. At last count, more than 300 treatments and 200 vaccines were in preclinical or clinical development (not to mention the numerous existing agents that are being evaluated for repurposing). There is also a renewed interest in cannabinoid therapeutics — in particular, the nonpsychoactive agent cannabidiol (CBD) and the prospect of [...]
Lire la suitePsilocybin Delivers 'Remarkable' Relief in Severe Depression Batya Swift Yasgur, MA, LSW, November 05, 2020 Psilocybin, the psychedelic compound in "magic mushrooms," rapidly improves symptoms and produces remission in as little as two sessions for patients with major depression, new research suggests. Results of a small randomized trial showed that treatment with psilocybin was associated with a greater than 50% reduction in depressive symptoms in 67% of study participants. In addition, 71% showed improvement at 4-week follow-up, with more than 50% achieving remission. "The finding that the majority of people whom we treated showed efficacy was quite a remarkable and gratifying finding and really sets the [...]
Lire la suiteUse of Genetically Informed Methods to Clarify the Nature of the Association Between Cannabis Use and Risk for Schizophrenia Nathan A. Gillespie, Kenneth S. Kendler JAMA Psychiatry, Published online November 4, 2020 Cohort studies and meta-analyses have documented a robust association between cannabis use, heavy use, and misuse with future risk of schizophrenia.1-3 Despite adjusting for covariates, including current psychotic symptoms, other psychopathology, and social integration,(1) the ability of these models to determine the degree to which cannabis causes schizophrenia is limited and dependent on their ability to capture all relevant confounders. When evaluating efforts to reduce cannabis use as a means of [...]
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