Auteur/autrice : GRECC

Projet de circulaire d’orientation de la politique pénale en matière d’usage thérapeutique du cannabis et de ses dérivés, Yann Bisiou, L630, 2020

Projet de circulaire d’orientation de la politique pénale en matière d’usage thérapeutique du cannabis et de ses dérivés Présentée par Yann Bisiou, Maître de conférences en droit privé et sciences criminelles à l’Université Montpellier III et président de L630 le mercredi 26 février à l’occasion des auditions de l’Assemblée Nationale. Circulaire interministérielle, Justice/Santé/Intérieur/Économie, adressée aux procureurs de la République et présidents de juridictions et, pour information, aux ARS et services de police, gendarmerie et douanes.   Exposé des motifs Les questions de santé publique liées aux drogues évoluent rapidement. Une des évolutions marquantes est la redécouverte de l’intérêt du cannabis dans la prise en charge [...]

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PTSD as a mediator of the relationship between trauma and psychotic experiences, Daniela Strelchuk et al, 2020

PTSD as a mediator of the relationship between trauma and psychotic experiences Daniela Strelchuk, Gemma Hammerton, Nicola Wiles, Jazz Croft, Katrina Turner, Jonathan Heron and Stanley Zammit Psychological Medicine, 2020, 1–9. doi : 10.1017/S0033291720004821   Abstract Background : Traumatic experiences are associated with a higher risk of psychotic illnesses, but little is known about potentially modifiable mechanisms underlying this relationship. This study aims to examine whether post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms mediate the relationship between trauma and psychotic experiences (PEs). Methods : We used data from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children to examine whether: PTSD symptoms mediate the relationships between (a) childhood trauma and [...]

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Self-Medication with Cannabis, Chapter 17, Arno Hazekamp and George Pappas, 2019

Self-Medication with Cannabis, Chapter 17 Arno Hazekamp and George Pappas April 2019, 17-Pertwee-Chap17.indd 319   17.1 Introduction The medicinal use of cannabis is slowly gaining a more general acceptance worldwide. Canada (since 2001) and the Netherlands (since 2003) have government-run programs, in which quality-controlled herbal cannabis is supplied by specialized and licensed companies. Several other countries are now setting up their own programs (Israel, Czech Republic, Switzerland) or import products from the Dutch program (Italy, Finland, Germany, Switzerland). In the US, despite strong opposition by the federal government, so far 18 states including the District of Columbia have introduced laws to permit “medical marijuana use” [...]

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Cannabis : From Cultivar to Chemovar II—A Metabolomics. Approach to Cannabis Classification, Arno Hazekamp et al, 2016,

Cannabis : From Cultivar to Chemovar II—A Metabolomics. Approach to Cannabis Classification Arno Hazekamp, Katerina Tejkalova, and Stelios Papadimitriou Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, 2016, Volume 1, (1) Doi : 10.1089/can.2016.0017 Abstract Introduction : There is a large disparity between the ‘‘cultural’’ language used by patients using cannabis for selfmedication and the ‘‘chemical’’ language applied by scientists to get a deeper understanding of cannabis effects in laboratory and clinical studies. The distinction between Sativa and Indica types of cannabis, and the different biological effects associated with them, is a major example of this. Despite the widespread use of cannabis by selfmedicating patients, scientific studies are yet [...]

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That which we call Indica, by any other name would smell as sweet. An essay on the history of the term Indica and the taxonomical conflict between the monotypic and polytypic views of Cannabis, Jacob L. Erkelens, Arno Hazekamp, 2014

That which we call Indica, by any other name would smell as sweet. An essay on the history of the term Indica and the taxonomical conflict between the monotypic and polytypic views of Cannabis Jacob L. Erkelens, Arno Hazekamp Bedrocan BV, The Netherlands Cannabinoids, 2014, 9, (1), 9-15. What’s in a name ? An interesting feature of the worldwide subculture devoted to cannabis is the endless number of names given to its preparations (marijuana, pot, weed, kiff, bhang..). On top of that, there is a continuously grow-ing list of names used to describe different varieties and strains of the cannabis plant. As a result of [...]

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Plaidoyer Principes Actifs, décembre 2020, à voir de toute urgence

Plaidoyer Principes Actifs, décembre 2020, à voir de toute urgence   En mars 2021 débutera l'expérimentation du cannabis médical en France. Les critères d'inclusion ne concernent qu'un nombre restreint de pathologies. Depuis plus de vingt ans, des patients font usage de cannabis pour ses effets thérapeutiques en toute illégalité. Ces quelques témoignages dénoncent une situation de santé publique injuste et intolérable.   Animation et production du clip : Follow Media Musique : « Gibraltar Rocksteady » de l'album KHEPER produit, composé et édité par IMHOTEP © 2020 - Principes Actifs - Tous droits réservés

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The potential synergistic effects between psychedelic administration and nature contact for the improvement of mental health, Sam Gandy et al, 2020

The potential synergistic effects between psychedelic administration and nature contact for the improvement of mental health Sam Gandy, Matthias Forstmann, Robin Lester Carhart-Harris, Christopher Timmermann, David Luke and Rosalind Watts Health Psychology Open, 2020, 1–21 Doi : 10.1177/2055102920978123   Abstract Therapeutic psychedelic administration and contact with nature have been associated with the same psychological mechanisms : decreased rumination and negative affect, enhanced psychological connectedness and mindfulness related capacities, and heightened states of awe and transcendent experiences, all processes linked to improvements in mental health amongst clinical and healthy populations. Nature-based settings can have inherently psychologically soothing properties which may complement all stages of psychedelic therapy (mainly [...]

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Effects of external stimulation on psychedelic state neurodynamics, Pedro A.M. Mediano et al., 2020

Effects of external stimulation on psychedelic state neurodynamics Pedro A.M. Mediano, Fernando E. Rosas, Christopher Timmermann, Leor Roseman, David J. Nutt, Amanda Feilding, Mendel Kaelen, Morten L. Kringelbach, Adam B. Barretti, Anil K. Seth, Suresh Muthukumaraswamy, Daniel Bor, and Robin L. Carhart-Harris bioRxiv preprint, 2020 doi : 10.1101/2020.11.01.356071   Abstract Recent findings have shown that psychedelics reliably enhance brain entropy (understood as neural signal diversity), and this effect has been associated with both acute and long-term psychological outcomes such as personality changes. These findings are particularly intriguing given that a decrease of brain entropy is a robust indicator of loss of consciousness (e.g. from wakefulness to [...]

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Entre confinement et répression : comment les usagers de cannabis se sont organisés, Raphaël Carrez & Fabienne Lopez, 2020

Entre confinement et répression : comment les usagers de cannabis se sont organisés Raphaël Carrez & Fabienne Lopez Psychotropes, 2020, 26, (2-3), 165-1783.   Introduction L’association Principes Actifs milite pour la reconnaissance légale de l’usage thérapeutique du cannabis en France depuis sa création en 2009. Nous fournissons conseils et informations aux personnes atteintes d’affections diverses qui nous contactent. En 2014, nous avons mis en place des « ateliers de réduction des risques cannabis » à destination des structures d’addictologie, des professionnels de santé et des associations de patients, afin de présenter l’usage thérapeutique dans toutes ses spécificités. L’association participe depuis fin 2019 au comité de pilotage instauré par [...]

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Synthetic Pot : Not Your Grandfather’s Marijuana, Benjamin M. Ford et al, 2017

Synthetic Pot : Not Your Grandfather’s Marijuana Benjamin M. Ford, Sherrica Tai, William E. Fantegrossi, and Paul L. Prather Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, 2017, 38, (3), 257–276. doi : 10.1016/ Abstract In the early 2000’s in Europe and shortly thereafter in the USA, it was reported that “legal” forms of marijuana were being sold under the name K2 and/or Spice. Active ingredients in K2/Spice products were determined to be synthetic cannabinoids (SCBs), producing psychotropic actions via CB1 cannabinoid receptors, similar to those of Δ9-THC, the primary active constituent in marijuana. Often abused by adolescents and military personnel to elude detection in drug tests due to [...]

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