Auteur/autrice : GRECC

LSD, madness and healing : Mystical experiences as possible link between psychosis model and therapy model, Isabel Wießner et al., 2021

LSD, madness and healing : Mystical experiences as possible link between psychosis model and therapy model Isabel Wießner, Marcelo Falchi, Fernanda Palhano-Fontes, Amanda Feilding, Sidarta Ribeiro and Luís Fernando Tófoli Psychological Medicine, 2021, 1-15. Doi : 10.1017/S0033291721002531   Abstract Background : For a century, psychedelics have been investigated as models of psychosis for demonstrating phenomenological similarities with psychotic experiences and as therapeutic models for treating depression, anxiety, and substance use disorders. This study sought to explore this paradoxical relationship connecting key parameters of the psychotic experience, psychotherapy, and psychedelic experience. Methods : In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover design, 24 healthy volunteers received 50 μg D-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) or inactive placebo. [...]

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Cannabis, la France en descente, Jean-Marc Pasquet, Libération, 19 aout 2021

TRIBUNE Cannabis, la France en descente Jean-Marc Pasquet, Haut fonctionnaire, président du think tank Novo Ideo Libération, 19 aout 2021 Record de consommateurs ? Contrairement au modèle portugais qui envisage l’usager comme un patient, le système français privilégie une politique pénale. Les Lusitaniens obtiennent pourtant de bien meilleurs résultats en termes de consommation et de prévalence. A Paris en 9 janvier 2019. (Cyril Zannettacci/Vu pour Libération)   Notre pays détient le record de la proportion d’usagers de drogues illicites au sein de l’UE, et celui en particulier des 15 à 34 ans. 80 % de la consommation est liée au cannabis. Elle concerne cinq millions d’usagers dans l’année, [...]

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La prohibition tue, légalisons le cannabis, Michel Henry, Libération, 25 aout 2021

TRIBUNE La prohibition tue, légalisons le cannabis Michel Henry, Rédacteur en chef adjoint de la revue XXI Libération, 25 aout 2021 Cette mesure ne rangerait pas illico les kalachs dans les placards. Mais la question doit être posée pour affronter la réalité plutôt que de la fuir en comptant les morts, comme ce week-end à Marseille. A Marseille, un jeune de 14 ans est mort ce week-end, sans doute victime d’un nouveau règlement de comptes. (François Nascimbeni/AFP) Derrière la recrudescence des règlements de compte à Marseille, il est une constante : ce ne sont pas les drogues illégales qui tuent, mais la prohibition, ce système vicieux [...]

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Efficacy and Safety of Cannabidiol Plus Standard Care vs Standard Care Alone for the Treatment of Emotional Exhaustion and Burnout Among Frontline Health CareWorkers During the COVID-19 Pandemic. A Randomized Clinical Trial, José Alexandre S. Crippa et al, 2021,

Efficacy and Safety of Cannabidiol Plus Standard Care vs Standard Care Alone for the Treatment of Emotional Exhaustion and Burnout Among Frontline Health CareWorkers During the COVID-19 Pandemic. A Randomized Clinical Trial José Alexandre S. Crippa, PhD; AntonioW. Zuardi, PhD; Francisco S. Guimarães, PhD; Alline Cristina Campos, PhD; Flávia de Lima Osório, PhD; Sonia Regina Loureiro, PhD; Rafael G. dos Santos, PhD; José Diogo S. Souza, MD; Juliana Mayumi Ushirohira, MD, MSc; Julia Cozar Pacheco, RPh; Rafael Rinaldi Ferreira, PhD, RPh; Karla Cristinne Mancini Costa, MSc; Davi Silveira Scomparin, MSc; Franciele Franco Scarante, MSc; Isabela Pires-Dos-Santos, VMD; Raphael Mechoulam, PhD; Flávio Kapczinski, PhD; Benedito [...]

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Cannabinoid-based Medications for Pain Raymond M. St. Marie, Raphael J. Leo, 2021

Cannabinoid-based Medications for Pain Raymond M. St. Marie, MD; Raphael J. Leo, MA, MD Current Psychiatry, 2021, 20(5), 21-33. Abstract and Introduction Introduction Against the backdrop of an increasing opioid use epidemic and a marked acceleration of prescription opioid–related deaths,[1,2] there has been an impetus to explore the usefulness of alternative and co-analgesic agents to assist patients with chronic pain. Preclinical studies employing animal-based models of human pain syndromes have demonstrated that cannabis and chemicals derived from cannabis extracts may mitigate several pain conditions.[3] Because there are significant comorbidities between psychiatric disorders and chronic pain, psychiatrists are likely to care for patients with chronic pain. As [...]

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Neuroprotective Effect of Cannabidiol Against Hydrogen Peroxide in Hippocampal Neuron Culture, Jungnam Kim et al., 2021

Neuroprotective Effect of Cannabidiol Against Hydrogen Peroxide in Hippocampal Neuron Culture Jungnam Kim, Ji Yu Choi, Jeongyeon Seo, and Insung S. Choi Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, 2021, Volume 6, Number 1, 40-48. Doi : 10.1089/can.2019.0102   Abstract Introduction : Reports on the neurotoxic and neuroprotective effects of cannabidiol (CBD) have not been in complete accord, showing different and somewhat contradictory results depending upon the brain cell types and experimental conditions employed. This work systematically examines the neuroprotective capability of CBD against oxidative stress (i.e., hydrogen peroxide [H2O2]) as well as its toxicity profile in the in vitro culture platform of primary hippocampal neurons. Materials and Methods : [...]

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Reducing Effect of Cannabidiol on Alcohol Self-Administration in Sardinian Alcohol-Preferring Rats, Paola Maccioni et al., 2021

Reducing Effect of Cannabidiol on Alcohol Self-Administration in Sardinian Alcohol-Preferring Rats Paola Maccioni, Jessica Bratzu, Mauro A.M. Carai, Giancarlo Colombo, and Gian Luigi Gessa Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, 2021, Doi : 10.1089/can.2020.0132   Abstract Introduction : Cannabidiol (CBD) is a major cannabinoid extracted from Cannabis sativa with no abuse potential. Data from recent rodent studies suggest that amelioration of alcohol-motivated behaviors may be one of the numerous pharmacological effects of CBD. This study was designed to contribute to this research, assessing the effect of CBD on operant oral alcohol self-administration in selectively bred Sardinian alcohol preferring (sP) rats, a validated animal model of excessive alcohol consumption. [...]

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Cannabinoids, Phenolics, Terpenes and Alkaloids of Cannabis, Mohamed M. Radwan et al., 2021

Cannabinoids, Phenolics, Terpenes and Alkaloids of Cannabis Mohamed M. Radwan, Suman Chandra, Shahbaz Gul and Mahmoud A. ElSohly Molecules, 2021, 26, 2774. Doi : 10.3390/molecules26092774   Abstract : Cannabis sativa is one of the oldest medicinal plants in the world. It was introduced into western medicine during the early 19th century. It contains a complex mixture of secondary metabolites, including cannabinoids and non-cannabinoid-type constituents. More than 500 compounds have been reported from C. sativa, of which 125 cannabinoids have been isolated and/or identified as cannabinoids. Cannabinoids are C21 terpeno phenolic compounds specific to Cannabis. The non-cannabinoid constituents include: non-cannabinoid phenols, flavonoids, terpenes, alkaloids and others. This review discusses [...]

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Protective Effects of Cannabidivarin and Cannabigerol on Cells of the Blood–Brain Barrier Under Ischemic Conditions, Nicole L. Stone et al., 2021

Protective Effects of Cannabidivarin and Cannabigerol on Cells of the Blood–Brain Barrier Under Ischemic Conditions Nicole L. Stone, Timothy J. England, and Saoirse E. O’Sullivan Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, 2021, Doi : 10.1089/can.2020.0159   Abstract Background and Objectives : Preclinical studies have shown cannabidiol is protective in models of ischemic stroke. Based on results from our recent systematic review, we investigated the effects of two promising neuroprotective phytocannabinoids, cannabigerol (CBG) and cannabidivarin (CBDV), on cells of the blood–brain barrier (BBB), namely human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMECs), pericytes, and astrocytes. Experimental Approach : Cultures were subjected to oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD) protocol to model ischemic stroke and cell [...]

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Effect of two oral formulations of cannabidiol on responses to emotional stimuli in healthy human volunteers : pharmaceutical vehicle matters, Jose´A. Crippa et al., 2021

Effect of two oral formulations of cannabidiol on responses to emotional stimuli in healthy human volunteers: pharmaceutical vehicle matters Jose´A. Crippa, Luiz C. Pereira Junior, Livia C. Pereira, Patricia M. Zimmermann, Liberato Brum Junior, Leticia M. Rechia, Isabella Dias, Jaime E. Hallak, Alline C. Campos, Francisco S. Guimaraes, Regina H. Queiroz, Antonio W. Zuardi Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry, 2021, 1-6. Doi : 10.1590/1516-4446-2020-1684   Objective : To compare plasma concentrations of cannabidiol (CBD) following oral administration of two formulations of the drug (powder and dissolved in oil), and to evaluate the effects of these distinct formulations on responses to emotional stimuli in healthy human volunteers. Methods [...]

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