Année : 2019

Awareness of Emotional Expressions in Cannabis Users: An Event-Related Potential Study, Robert D. Torrence et al., 2019 ,

Awareness of Emotional Expressions in Cannabis Users : An Event-Related Potential Study Robert D. Torrence, Donald C. Rojas and Lucy J. Troup Frontiers in Psychology, February 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 69 ORIGINAL RESEARCH doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00069 Abstract Cannabis use has been associated with anxiogenic effects when used in low frequency for a short duration, but cannabis can also have anxiogenic effects when used heavily for a long duration. Animal studies have indicated the neurobiological mechanisms related to cannabis and anxiety; however, research has been limited on the related neurocognitive mechanisms. Previous research has indicated that cannabis use is associated with alterations in event-related potentials (ERPs). [...]

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Cannabinoid Modulation of Functional Connectivity within Regions Processing Attentional Salience, Sagnik Bhattacharyya et al., 2015

Cannabinoid Modulation of Functional Connectivity within Regions Processing Attentional Salience Sagnik Bhattacharyya, Irina Falkenberg, Rocio Martin-Santos, Zerrin Atakan1, Jose A Crippa, Vincent Giampietro, Mick Brammer and Philip McGuire Neuropsychopharmacology, 2015, 40, 1343–1352 2015 American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. All rights reserved 0893-133X/15 doi:10.1038/npp.2014.258 Abstract There is now considerable evidence to support the hypothesis that psychotic symptoms are the result of abnormal salience attribution, and that the attribution of salience is largely mediated through the prefrontal cortex, the striatum, and the hippocampus. Although these areas show differential activation under the influence of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-9-THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), the two major derivatives of cannabis sativa, little is known about [...]

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The Role of Cannabinoids in Neuroanatomic Alterations in Cannabis Users, Valentina Lorenzetti et al., 2016

The Role of Cannabinoids in Neuroanatomic Alterations in Cannabis Users Valentina Lorenzetti, Nadia Solowij, and Murat Yücel Biological Psychiatry, 2016, 79:e17-e31 ABSTRACT The past few decades have seen a marked change in the composition of commonly smoked cannabis. These changes primarily involve an increase of the psychoactive compound Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and a decrease of the potentially therapeutic compound cannabidiol (CBD). This altered composition of cannabis may be linked to persistent neuroanatomic alterations typically seen in regular cannabis users. In this review, we summarize recent findings from human structural neuroimaging investigations. We examine whether neuroanatomic alterations are 1) consistently observed in samples of regular cannabis [...]

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Cannabis-induced altered states of consciousness are associated with specific dynamic brain connectivity states, Yuliya Zaytseva et al., 2019

Cannabis-induced altered states of consciousness are associated with specific dynamic brain connectivity states Zaytseva Y; Horáček J; Hlinka J; Fajnerová I; Androvičová R; Tintěra J; Salvi V; Balíková M; Hložek T; Španiel F; Páleníček T  Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2019, 33, 7, 811-821 Research Article  doi: 10.1177/0269881119849814. Abstract : Background : Cannabis, and specifically one of its active compounds delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in recreational doses, has a variety of effects on cognitive processes. Most studies employ resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging techniques to assess the stationary effects of cannabis and to-date one report addressed the impact of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol on the dynamics of whole-brain functional connectivity. Methods : Using a [...]

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IACM-Bulletin 22.06.2019

IACM-Bulletin 22.06.2019 IACM-Bulletin du 22 Juin 2019 Etats-Unis: L'Illinois deviendra le 11ème État à légaliser la possession de cannabis chez les adultes Canada: Le gouvernement soutient la recherche sur le cannabis avec 25 millions de dollars Science/Homme: Le cannabis peut avoir un effet protecteur contre le diabète chez les personnes obèses Science/Homme: Les consommateurs de cannabis souffrant de troubles de la personnalité ne courent aucun risque accru de développer d'autres troubles psychiatriques En bref Un coup d'œil sur le passé Etats-Unis: L'Illinois deviendra le 11ème État à légaliser la possession de cannabis chez les [...]

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Cannabis Pharmacy. The Practical Guide to Medical marijuana, Michael Backes, 2014

Cannabis Pharmacy. The Practical Guide to Medical marijuana Authoritative, evidence-based information, plus advice on treating dozens of ailments and conditions Michael Backes, foreword by Andrew Weil, MD Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers, New York, 2014   Foreword by Andrew Weil, M.D. From the perspective of someone who has studied traditional therapies as a career, it is surprising that cannabis ever left our medicine cabinets, since the plant has been used for millennia in cultures throughout the world as a curative for ailments of both mind and body. In 1942, the American Medical Association (AMA) fought to keep it as part of the U.S. Pharmacopeia. In spite [...]

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Marijuana and the Cannabinoids, Edited by Mahmoud A. ElSohly, 2007

Marijuana and the Cannabinoids Edited by Mahmoud A. ElSohly, PhD, Humana Press, Totowa, New Jersey, USA, 2007 1. Cannabinoids. I. ElSohly, Mahmoud A. II. Series. [DNLM: 1. Cannabinoids. 2. Cannabis. QV 77.7 M33515 2006] QP801.C27M355 2006 615'.7827--dc22 333 pages, Preface Although primarily used today as one of the most prevalent illicit leisure drugs, the use of Cannabis sativa L., commonly referred to as marijuana, for medicinal purposes has been reported for more than 5000 years. Marijuana use has been shown to create numerous health problems, and, consequently, the expanding use beyond medical purposes into recreational use (abuse) resulted in control of the drug through international treaties. Much research has been [...]

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Marijuana Compounds: A Non-Conventional Therapeutic Approach to Epilepsy in Children, Mariana Babayeva et al., 2014

Marijuana Compounds : A Non-Conventional Therapeutic Approach to Epilepsy in Children Mariana Babayeva, Malka Fuzailov, Paulina Rozenfeld and Paramita Basu Journal of Addiction and Neuropharmacology, 2014, 1, 1, 002   Abstract Epilepsy in children is a complex disease, with a variety of distinct syndromes and many alternative treatment options. Even with a plethora of available treatment options, childhood epilepsies are commonly associated with seizures that are resistant to existing treatment methods. Treatment of pediatric epilepsy is challenging and requires more effective therapy to avoid short-term and longterm neurological disorders. Marijuana has been used to treat disease since ancient times. Marijuana ingredients Cannabidiol (CBD) and D9- Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) [...]

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Les cannabinoïdes dans l’Autisme, Christian Sueur, GRECC, juin 2019

Les cannabinoïdes dans l’Autisme : Dr Christian Sueur GRECC (Groupe de Recherches et D’Etudes Cliniques sur les Cannabinoïdes) Version actualisée juin 2019   L’autisme est une pathologie, ou plutôt un trouble majeur du développement psycho-neuro-développemental, à l’étiologie complexe et multifactorielle ; rentrent vraisemblablement en interaction, pour produire un trouble du spectre autistique, aussi bien des facteurs psychologique interactionnels précoces, qu’un terrain de fragilité ou de prédisposition génétique, à l’origine d’anomalies neurophysiologiques du développement de la connectique neuronale. Depuis près d’une vingtaine d’année, les cannabinoïdes représente progressivement une nouvelle voie d’approche thérapeutique des autismes les plus sévères.   Certains parents, surtout aux USA[1], ont adopté depuis le début [...]

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WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence. Critical Review. Cannabis and cannabis resin, 2018

WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence. Critical Review Cannabis and cannabis resin © World Health Organization 2018   Cannabis and cannabis resin Section 1: Chemistry 1. Substance identification ............................................................................................... 4 1.1 International Nonproprietary Name (INN) .............................................................................................. 4 1.2 Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) registry number ................................................................................... 4 1.3 Other chemical names ............................................................................................................................ 4 1.4 Trade names ........................................................................................................................................... 4 Cannabis 1.4.1 plant .................................................................................................................................. 4 1.4.2 Cannabis resin .................................................................................................................................. 5 1.5 Street names ........................................................................................................................................... 5 1.5.1 Cannabis plant .................................................................................................................................. 5 1.5.2 Cannabis resin .................................................................................................................................. 5 1.6 Physical appearance ............................................................................................................................... 6 1.6.1 Cannabis plant .................................................................................................................................. 6 1.6.2 Cannabis resin .................................................................................................................................. 6 1.7 WHO review history ................................................................................................................................ 7 2. Chemistry ..................................................................................................................... 8 2.1 Name ...................................................................................................................................................... 8 2.2 Chemical name ....................................................................................................................................... 8 2.2.1 IUPAC name: ..................................................................................................................................... 8 2.2.2 CA index [...]

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