Mois : août 2019

Medical Marijuana Use in Oncology : A Review, Gianna Wilkie et al., 2016

Medical Marijuana Use in Oncology : A Review Gianna Wilkie,  Bachir Sakr, Tina Rizack JAMA Oncology, 2016, 2, (5), 670-675. doi:10.1001/jamaoncol.2016.0155   IMPORTANCE : Medicinal marijuana use is currently legal in 23 states and the District of Columbia. As more states approve marijuana use for medical indications, physicians will be asked by their patients for more information regarding the risks and benefits of use. This article reviews the history, adverse effects, and proposed mechanisms of action of marijuana and summarizes the available literature regarding symptom relief and therapeutic value in patients with cancer. OBSERVATIONS : Marijuana in oncologymay have potential for use as an antiemetic, for [...]

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Medical Use of Cannabis in 2019, Kevin P. Hill, 2019

Medical Use of Cannabis in 2019 Kevin P. Hill, MD, MHS JAMA, Published online August 9, 2019 doi:10.1001/jama.2019.11868   Nearly 10% of cannabis users in the United States report using it for medicinal purposes.1 As of August 2019, 33 states and the District of Columbia have initiated policies allowing the use of cannabis or cannabinoids for the management of specific medical conditions. Yet, the federal government still classifies cannabis as illegal, complicating its medical use and research into its effectiveness as a treatment for the various conditions purported to benefit from cannabis pharmacotherapy. Because of this conflict and restrictions on cannabis research, evidence of the [...]

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Toujours plus avec la chimie psychédélique, Thibault Henneton, 2019

Toujours plus avec la chimie psychédélique par Thibault Henneton Manière de Voir (Le Monde Diplomatique), 2019, 163,   Fruits d’une inventivité chimique sans limites, les nouveaux produits de synthèse (NPS) se sont multipliés ces dix dernières années, notamment dans les milieux festifs alternatifs. Moins chers que la cocaïne, ils restent difficiles à cerner tant pour les autorités que pour les usagers, incapables d’en connaître à l’avance les effets véritables, dont certains mènent aux hôpitaux, désarmés pour les traiter. Akatre ///// « Djeff », 2018 Placés récemment sous les projecteurs, les nouveaux produits de synthèse (NPS) inonderaient le marché des stupéfiants. Dans son dernier rapport annuel, l’Observatoire français des [...]

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Efficacy and Enlightenment: LSD Psychotherapy and the Drug Amendments of 1962, Matthew ORAM, 2012

Efficacy and Enlightenment: LSD Psychotherapy and the Drug Amendments of 1962 Matthew ORAM Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 2012, Volume 69, Number 2, 221-250. doi:10.1093/jhmas/jrs050   ABSTRACT. The decline in therapeutic research with lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in the United States over the course of the 1960s has commonly been attributed to the growing controversy surrounding its recreational use. However, research difficulties played an equal role in LSD psychotherapy’s demise, as they frustrated researchers’ efforts to clearly establish the efficacy of treatment. Once the Kefauver Harris Drug Amendments of 1962 introduced the requirement that proof of efficacy be established through controlled clinical [...]

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LSD before Leary – Sidney Cohen’ s Critique of 1950s Psychedelic Drug Research, Steven J. Novak, 1997

LSD before Leary - Sidney Cohen' s Critique of 1950s Psychedelic Drug Research Steven J. Novak Isis, 1997, Vol. 88, No. 1, pp. 87-110.   ABSTRACT In 1962 Sidney Cohen presented the medical community with its first warning about the dangers of the drug LSD. LSD had arrived in the United States in 1949 and was originally perceived as a psychoto-mimetic capable of producing a model psychosis. But in the mid 1950s intellectuals in Southern California redefined LSD as a psychedelic capable of producing mystical enlightenment. Though LSD was an investigational drug, authorized only for experimental use, by the late 1950s psychiatrists and psychologists were [...]

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An Update on Non-CB1, Non-CB2 Cannabinoid Related G-Protein-Coupled Receptors, Paula Morales and Patricia H. Reggio, 2017

An Update on Non-CB1, Non-CB2 Cannabinoid Related G-Protein-Coupled Receptors Paula Morales and Patricia H. Reggio Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, 2017, Volume 2.1, 265-273 DOI: 10.1089/can.2017.0036   Abstract The endocannabinoid system (ECS) has been shown to be of great importance in the regulation of numerous physiological and pathological processes. To date, two Class A G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) have been discovered and validated as the main therapeutic targets of this system: the cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1), which is the most abundant neuromodulatory receptor in the brain, and the cannabinoid receptor type 2 (CB2), predominantly found in the immune system among other organs and tissues. Endogenous cannabinoid receptor [...]

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Ibogaine : A review – Chapter 1, Kenneth R. Alper, 2001

Ibogaine : A review - Chapter 1 Kenneth R. Alper The Alkaloids. Chemistry and Biology, 2001, 56,  38 pp DOI: 10.1016/S0099-9598(01)56005-8   I. Introduction, Chemical Properties, and Historical Time Line ..................... A. Introduction................................................................................................... B. Chemical Structure and Properties .............................................................. C. Historical Time Line ..................................................................................... II. Mechanisms of Action .................................................................................. A. Neurotransmitter Activities........................................................................... B. Discrimination Studies.................................................................................. C. Effects on Neuropeptides............................................................................... D. Possible Effects on Neuroadaptations Related to Drug Sensitization or Tolerance ....................................................................................................... III. Evidence of Efficacy in Animal Models........................................................ A. Drug Self-Administration .............................................................................. B. Acute Opioid Withdrawal .............................................................................. C. Conditioned Place Preference........................................................................ D. Locomotor Activity........................................................................................ E. Dopamine Efflux............................................................................................. IV Evidence of Efficacy and Subjective Effects in Humans .............................. A. Evidence of Efficacy........................................................................................ B. Subjective Effects ........................................................................................... V. Pharmacokinetics ........................................................................................... A. Absorption....................................................................................................... B. Distribution .................................................................................................... C. Metabolism .................................................................................................... D. Excretion [...]

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Ibogaine : A Novel Anti-Addictive Compound. A Comprehensive Literature Review, Jonathan Freedlander, 2003

Ibogaine : A Novel Anti-Addictive Compound. A Comprehensive Literature Review Jonathan Freedlander Journal of Drug Education and Awareness, 2003   Introduction and History Ibogaine is a naturally occurring indole alkaloid, found in a variety of African shrubs of the Tabernathe genus (Obach, Pablo, and Mash, 1998). The root of the Tabernanthe iboga plant (also known as eboga) is the most frequently cited source of ibogaine, and this plant contains 11 other known psychoactive constituents (Popik, and Skolnick, 1999). Chemically, ibogaine is classified as a tryptamine, being a rigid analogue of melatonin, and is structurally similar to harmaline, another natural alkaloid and psychedelic (Xu et al, [...]

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The fourfold discovery of Mescaline (1896–1919), Ivo Gurschler, 2019

The fourfold discovery of Mescaline (1896–1919) Ivo Gurschler Chemical Monthly, 2019, 150, 941–947 © Springer-Verlag GmbH Austria, part of Springer Nature 2019 Abstract This is an historical account of the pharmacological, chemical, and anthropological research concerning the molecular makeup of the peyote cactus (Lophophora williamsii) that laid the ground for Ernst Spaeth’s structural elucidation of mescaline as 3,4,5-trimethoxyphenethylamine. Keywords : History of science · Psychedelic studies · Organic chemistry · Alkaloids · Mescaline · Drugs   Introduction The exploration of the constituents of the peyote cactus and its effects upon the human psyche was an interdisciplinary undertaking that defied national borders. The material way to the heart of the [...]

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Ayahuasca Scientific Papers, AEDMP, 2013

Ayahuasca Scientific Papers AEDMP - Asociación para el Estudio y la Divulgación de la Medicina Psicodélica Research conducted by: Genís Oña -2013- Asociación para el Estudio y la Divulgación de la Medicina Psicodélica. Castellarnau, 11 2º 1ª 43004 Tarragona Spain Tel. 675 55 33 44 Email:   Content _____________________________________ 1. What is ayahuasca? 2. Scientific papers about ayahuasca arranged chronologically (1969-2013) - G. R. Dolmatoff (1969). El contexto cultural de un alucinógeno aborigen : Banisteriopsis Caapi - C. Grob et al. (1996). Human Psychopharmacology of Hoasca, a Plant Hallucinogen Used in Ritual Context in Brazil - J. C. Callaway et al. (1999). Pharmacokinetics of Hoasca Alkaloids in Healthy Humans - B. Shanon (2000). Ayahuasca and [...]

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